Syllabus for Objective Type SAT for The Post of Lecturer School New in Commerce -HPPSC Shimla
Syllabus for Objective Type SAT for The Post of Lecturer School New in Commerce -HPPSC Shimla
PART-I (Subject) 80 marks
- Management Process; Meaning, Nature, Scope
- Development of Management Thoughts; F.W. Taylor and Scientific Management, Contribution of Henry Fayolin Management, Hawthorne Experiments and Human Relations Management, Contribution of Peter F. Drucker in Management, Systems Theory of Management and Behavioral Scientists & Situational Theory of Management. Schools of Management Thought; Empirical Approach, Human Relations Approach, Social Systems Approach, Socio-technical Systems Approach, Decision Theory Approach, Systems Approach and Contemporary Situational Approach,
- Functions of Management o Planning: Concept, Process, Type, Importance, Mission and Objectives, Strategic and Operational Plans, Planning and Premises and Forecasting, Decision making: types of Decision, Process of decision making, Models & Issues, o Fundamentals of Organising, Design of Organisation structure, forms of Organisational structure, Authority and Responsibility, Conflict and Coordination, o Fundamentals of Staffing, Recruitment and selection, training and Development, Performance Appraisal, o Fundamentals of Directing: Concept, principles, Direction and Supervision, Techniques, Motivation: Concept and Theories, Leadership; Concept and Theories, Communication: Concept, Process, types, Barriers, o Fundamentals of Controlling: concept, function, types and process, Operational Control techniques: Financial Control, Budgetary Control, Break-even Analysis, Responsibility Analysis, Internal Audit, Quality Control, ABC Analysis, PERT/CPM, Economic Order Quantity Overall Control Techniques: Financial Ration Analysis, Control through ROI, Management and Social Audit, HRA, MIS.
- Business Environment; Nature and Importance, Interaction Matrix of different Environment Factors, Environmental Scanning, changing patterns of consumer demands; socio-culture environment, role of start-ups in economic and social growth
- Economic Planning in India; Objectives, Strategies and Problems of Economic Planning, Privatization, Globalization, Disinvestment in Public Sector Units, NITI 2 Ayog, Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Industrial Policy, Industrial Licensing Policy, Foreign Trade Policy Industrial sickness, Development and Protection of Small-Scale Industry, Role of The Environment (Protection) Act, Right to Information Act,
- Foreign Investment; Types of Foreign Investment, Foreign, Direct Investment (FDI),Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI), FDI in India, Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment, Structure of BOP, Disequilibrium in BOP, Regulatory framework of WTO; its Basic Principles and Charter, Provisions relating to Preferential Treatment to Developing Countries, Regional Groupings, Anti- dumping Duties and other NTBs.
3. MANAGERIA ECONOMICS - Objectives of a firm; Objectives of a firm in microeconomics, Principles in Managerial decision analysis, Definition of Micro-Macro Economics, scope, meritsdemerits, Paradox of Microeconomics, Distinction between Micro and Macro Economics
- Demand Analysis; Theories in Demand, types, factors influencing demand, Elasticity of Demand–Concept, meaning, types, measurement, influencing factors, importance,
- Economic forecasting and planning; Need and methods of economic forecasting for national planning, Economic forecasting and planning of business, need and methods, Techniques of forecasting demand-Survey and Statistical methods,
- Production Analysis; Concepts, Types of cost, Cost curves, Cost– Output relationship in the short run and in the long run, LAC curve, Law of Variable Proportions, Economies of scale, Diseconomies of scale, the profit maximization objective and conditions of firms in short and long run equilibrium
- Price determination under different market conditions; Market Structure– Concept, meaning, characteristics, classification of Market, Price determination and firm equilibrium under different market structures, Pricing-types, cost pulls, going rate, Imitative, Marginal cost, Pioneering, Transfer pricing, Price Discrimination; Definition, concept, meaning, types, conditions, Dumping and socio –economic consideration in pricing
- Monetary and Fiscal Policies; Meaning and objectives of monetary and fiscal policies, role and impact on economic development, concept of sustainable development, consumption and its inclusive growth
- Profit Management; Concept, nature and measurement of profit, concept of risk & uncertainty, Risk, uncertainty and innovations, Theories of profit, Profit planning and forecasting, Profit policies, Profit Measurement: Determinants of Short-Term & LongTerm Profits, Measurement of Profit, Break Even Analysis–Meaning, assumptions, determination of BEA, Limitations, Uses of BEA in Managerial decisions.
4. ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS - Accounting and its functions, Accounting Concepts, Accounting Conventions and Accounting Equation. Accounting Process and Generally Accepted Accounting Policies (GAAP). Introduction to Indian Accounting Standards. IFRS and it’s convergence
- Understanding Financial statements, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Accounts, Exposure to provisions of Schedule VI of the Companies Act 1956 Depreciation accounting,
- Analyzing Financial Statements: Ratio Analysis, Fund Flow Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis. Financial reporting practices in India
- Accounting for issue, re-issue, and forfeiture of shares, Accounting for issue and redemption of shares and debentures, Final Accounts of Companies, Cash Flow Statement,
- Understanding of Accounting for partnership firms and Accounting for Not-forprofit organisation
- Forensic Accounting & Fraud Auditing Fundamentals: Meaning, nature and scope, Auditors liability for undetected frauds, Fraud auditing (forensic audit) phases: Recognition and planning, Evidence collection and evaluation,
5. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS FOR DECISION MAKING - Introduction to Statistics; Measurements of central tendency, Dispersion, skewness, and kurtosis
- Regression analysis and correlation analysis (Two variables only)
- Probability Theory: Probability, Classical Probability, Relative frequency Probability and Subjective Probability. Addition and multiple theorems of probability and Bay’s Theorem, Probability distribution. Binomial distribution. The Poisson distribution and the Normal distribution
- Statistical Inferences; parametric and non-parametric tests, Testing of Hypotheses and Estimation, Sampling Distributions and Procedure of Testing Hypotheses, Hypothesis Testing: Large and small sample tests (Ztest, Ttest), F-test and Non-Parametric Test: Chi-square, run test, Sign test, Mediantest, Rank Correlation test, Kruskal-Wallis Test
6. TAXATION PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION - Structure of Direct and Indirect Taxes in India. Concepts, Significance and Problems of Tax Planning, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion, Base erosion and profit shifting
- Income Tax; Meaning, concepts, Latest Provisions, Agriculture Income, Basis of Charges
- Income from Salary. Income from House Property, Profits and Gains from Business or Profession. Capital Gains. Income from Other Sources Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses, Tax Deductions and Collection at Source. Advance Payment of Tax.
- Income Tax Authorities
- Procedure of E-filing; Assessment of Individual and company; Taxable Income and Tax Liabilities
- Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017. Provisions relating to the supply of goods or services or both. Levy of Central GST (CGST), State GST (SGST) Union Territory 4 GST (UTGST), and Integrated GST (IGST), Exemptions of Goods and Services from tax. Provisions relating to Place and Time of supply of Goods and Services, Parameters for determining the value of supply of Goods and Services Tax. Reverse charges mechanism. Goods and services tax; laws and regulations, impact on the growth of the economy
7. CORPORATE LEGAL FRAMEWORK:– - Company and Its Forms; Distinction between body corporate and company, characteristics of company, classification of different types of companies; types of Companies; public, private, government, One Person Company. listed companies
- Formation of Company; Promotion of Company, documents of company; Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Prospectus
- Credit Rating and Insider Trading; Meaning of Credit Rating, advantages of credit rating, different credit rating agencies in India and role of credit rating agencies in India. Meaning &impact of Insider Trading and provisions under Companies Act regarding Insider Trading
- Security types: shares and Debentures, provisions regarding purchase and loan of own shares by company, buying-back, issue of shares at premium and discount, preemption rights, sweat equity and right issue o Allotment, Transfer and Transmission of Shares; Principles and provisions, penalties and return of allotment, transmission of shares Dematerialization; Meaning of dematerialization, brief understanding of Dematerialization Act, regulating mechanism of NSDL and CDSL and provisions regarding Demat Trading
- Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI);Role and provisions under Companies Act with regard to issue of prospectus, transfer of shares, transmission of shares,listedcompanies,memorandumandarticlesofassociation,meetingsandproceedin gs,insider trading and other provisions
- Consumers Protection Act 1986; Significance of the Act, Consumer Organizations and Consumers Disputes Redressal agencies and their jurisdictions as per the provisions of the Act
- CompetitionAct-2002; Meaning, Anti-competition agreements, types of agreements, Role of Competition Commission of India and provisions regarding competition.
8. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Introduction to HRM: Concept, Nature, Scope and Objectives of Human Resource Management, Human resource environment and environment scanning, Recent trends in human resource management, the human resource management model, Human Assets and Human capital management, green HRM
- Internal & External Mobility of Employees: Recruitment: Meaning, Factors, Sources, Process and Methods of Recruitment, Prerequisite of a good Recruitment Policy. Selection: Meaning, Steps, Factors, Cost-benefit analysis of Selection
- Career Planning and development: Objectives, Features and Importance, Stages of Career Planning, Career Anchors, HR Outsourcing; talentism and human clouds
- Performance Appraisal and performance management: Objectives, Process, Methods, Legal issues associated with performance appraisal
- Human Resource Development: Need, Benefits, Methods of Training, Evaluation of Training Programmes, General Principles of Training
- Social Security& Labour Welfare: Social security in India, Scope, Types of Social security and welfare programmes, non-monetary welfare measure
- Employee Discipline: Characteristics of a sound disciplinary system, Common causes of indiscipline in an organisation, Disciplinary procedure, Ways of handling grievances
9. CORPORATEFINANCEANDPOLICY - Financial Management: Introduction to Financial Management, nature, significance, objectives and Scope of financial management, functions of finance executive in an organizations and recent developments in financial management. The goal of a Firm, Role of Financial Manager
- Financial Planning and Policy: Need & importance of financial Planning; tools of financial planning, financial Planning process, drafting a financial plan; Financial forecasting; meaning, benefits and techniques of financial forecasting; Sources of finance
- Investment Decision Policy: Nature, significance and types of capital budgeting decisions; factors influencing capital expenditure decisions, Evaluation criteria, Capital budgeting process; Principles of cash flow estimation; Estimation of cash flows; Capital budgeting techniques-ARR, Payback period, Discounted Payback Period (DPB), Net Present value, NPV), Equivalent Annual NPV, and Internal rate of return (IRR) and Profitability index; Capital budgeting decision under risk and uncertainty; capital expenditure control, (NPV), Equivalent Annual NPV, and Internal rate of return (IRR) and Profitability index; Capital budgeting decision under risk and uncertainty; capital expenditure control
- WorkingCapitalManagementandControl:Conceptandtypesofworkingcapital;Operati ng cycle and cash cycle; Estimation of working capital requirement; Approaches of working capital financing; Determinants of working capital; Components of working capital management; Cash management- Baumol’s Model and Miller-Orr Model of managing cash; Receivables management- dimensions of credit policy, credit analysis and evaluation of credit policies; Inventory management,
- Dividend Policy: Issues in dividend decision; Dividend rate and dividend yield; Theories of relevance and irrelevance of dividend in firm valuation -Pure residual theory, Walter’s model, Gordon’s Model, MM Hypothesis, Bird-in-hand theory, dividend; Types of dividend policies in practice-Pure residual policy, constant rupee dividend policy, constant dividend pay-out policy and smooth stream dividend policy
10. MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Introduction to Marketing Management; Meaning of marketing, its nature, importance and scope, Evolution of Marketing, Marketing concepts including marketplace, market space, marketers, prospects, offering, brand offering, value, satisfaction, channels
- Marketing Planning and Mix; Levels of planning, steps and Components of Marketing Plan, Marketing Organization and its evolution, Product Market Growth Matrix, Boston Consulting Group’s(BCG)Matrix, Developing the Marketing Mix; Choice of Optimum Marketing Mix, Value Creation and Value Delivery
- Market Segmentation; Meaning, need and benefits, criteria and bases for segmentation, profiling of business segments, profitability evaluation and targeting segments selection, positioning and target marketing and Values and Lifestyles(VALS) segmentation system
- Buyer Behaviour; Meaning, importance, modes, characteristics and buyingmotives. Consumer decision making process, types of buyer behaviour, stages in buying decision process, consumer socialization, family life cycle, lifestyle marketing, business markets and buying behaviour, characteristics of business markets, factors influencing business buyers and organizational buying process
- Product Decision; Product hierarchy and levels of product, classification of products, product decisions including individual product decisions in relation to branding, packaging, labeling and servicing, product line decisions and product mix decisions. Brand and co-brand strategy, Product differentiation
- New Product Development and Product Life Cycle; Need for new products, product development process and diffusion & adoption process. Meaning and concept of product lifecycle, stages in product lifecycle and marketing strategies
- Pricing Decisions; Meaning and 5Cs Framework of Pricing Decision, Factors influencing Pricing Decisions, Steps of Pricing procedure, price and terms of sale. Pricing Strategies
- Distribution Decisions; Different channels of distribution and their importance, levels and functionsofchannels,typesofintermediaries,criteriaforselectionofchannelsforcustom ersandbusiness markets and channel design, power, conflicts and control,
- MarketingCommunication;Meaningandcomponentsofpromotionmix,IntegratedMark eting Communicationprocess,Factorsdeterminingpromotionmix,PushandPullPromotionMixS trategies, advertising and effective advertising programme, consumers &trade sale promotion and public relations
- Services Marketing; Meaning, importance, characteristics, and reasons for growth of services marketing. Marketing Mix in services marketing
- Customers Relationship Management (CRM); Meaning and factors, strategies for building relationships, Customers Interaction Management (CIM) and Electronic Customers Relationship Management(e-CRM)
- Direct Marketing; Meaning and modes of direct marketing, distinction between business and consumer marketing, need for consumer distribution, types of direct marketing, Four factors Framework and limitations of direct marketing
- New Horizons in Marketing; Holistic Marketing, Brand building, Customer focus in context to task and framework, experimental marketing, and Blue Ocean strategy.
11. CORPORATE GOVERNANCEANDBUSINESSETHICS - Introduction Corporate Governance: Concept; Meaning; Theories–Agency, Stewardship, Stakeholder, Resource Management, Political; Models – Anglo American, the UK, Japanese and Indian; Major Corporate Frauds, Internal Institutions (Directors, Managers, CEO, CFO and Shareholders) and External Institutions (Auditors, Legal Environment, Political Environment and Market) of Corporate Governance. Recommendations of Important Committees on Corporate Governance at Global Level, Impact of Corporate Governance on the Financial Performance of Companies
- Development of Corporate Governance in India: Regulatory framework of corporate governance-board composition, board diversity, board independence, chairman/CEO duality, board committees, disclosures and transparency, CEO and CFO certification and certificate of auditor on compliance of corporate governance regulations. SEBI Guidelines and clause 49 of listing agreement, corporate governance in Public Sector Undertaking, Corporate governance in financial sector like banks and insurance companies
- Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate Social Responsibility-Concept, Models, Importance. Provisions of Company Act 2013 for CSR. CSR and Corporate Strategy. CSR and Sustainable Development. CSR and Philanthropy in the context of Bhagvad Gita.CSR and Gandhian principle of trusteeship
- Introduction to Business Ethics: Concept of Ethics, Business Ethics, Theories of Business Ethics, Objectives, Nature, Significance, Ethical Dilemma in Business. Ethical Issues in Business, Code of Ethics. Values and Ethics. Ethics and Law. Business Ethics from Indian perspective – the Bhagwad Gita, Gandhiand Budhism. Spirituality and Governance Ethics in Functional Areas of Business: Ethics in Finance, Ethics in Human Resource Management, Ethics in Marketing, Business Ethics and Consumer Protection. Business Ethics and Environment Protection. Whistle Blowing and Insider Trading.
12. ORGANISATIONALBEHAVIOUR - Foundations of Organisational Behaviour; concept, determinants, models; challenges and opportunities of OB; Disciplines contributing to the field of OB Individual Behaviour- values, attitudes, personality; Perceptual process and Learning; Management assumptions about people-McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Chris Argyris behavior patterns, motivation theories; Maslow, Herzberg
- Behaviour at Group; formation Decision making and Communication: Concept and nature of decision-making process; Nominal group technique and Delphitechnique; Improving Inter-personal Communication-Transactional Analysis and Johari Window
- Behaviour at Organizational level; Understanding Leadership; Theories-Trait, Behavioral, Contingency, Leadership Styles, autocratic, free-rein, Leadership SkillsDeterminants of Leadership-Challenges to leaderships in virtual teams
- Organizational culture and climate; Meaning and Factors contributing to making of culture and climate
- Conflict Management in Organizations; Meaning of Conflicts in the Organizations, Functional and Dis-functional aspects of Conflicts, Different Levels of Conflicts including Individual Level Conflicts, Intra-group Conflicts, Inter-group Conflicts, Intra-organizational Conflicts and Inter-organizational Conflicts, Conflict Management Initiatives, Organizational Effectiveness; Differences between individual and organizational interests and their causes, Factors of
- Meaning of Organizational Change, Objectives of Planned Change, Human Reactions to Change, Resistance to Change including theory of Kurt Lewin, Overcoming Resistance to Change and Process of Planned Change
- Managing misbehaviour at work- Aggression and Violence, Sexual abuse, Substanceabuse,Cyberslacking.OrganisationalDevelopmentconcept,values,andinterventiontechniques. Individual and organisational stressors; consequences of stress on individual and organisation; management of stress.
13. COSTACCOUNTING NatureandScopeofCostAccounting;Introduction,meaningofcostaccounting,scopeofcost accounting, objectives of cost accounting, advantages of cost accounting, General principles of cost accounting, Cost Accounting Standards - Inventory Planning, Control and Costing: Techniques of Inventory Control; Level Setting, Economic Order Quantity, Just- in Time Inventory System, ABC Analysis, VED Analysis and Perpetual Inventory System, Methods of Valuing Material Issues,
- Accounting for Pay-Roll: Methods of Wage Payment and Incentive Plans. Overheads Allocation, Apportionment, Re-apportionment and Absorption, Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts; Need for Reconciliation, Reasons for disagreement between the profits disclosed by financial accounts and cost accounts Service or Operating Costing; Transport Costing, Hospital Costing, Hotel Costing and Power house Costing, Contract Costing; Recording of Cost value and profit of contract
- ProcessCosting;FeaturesofProcessCosting,ApplicationofProcessCosting,ElementsofPr oductionCost,Process Losses, Inter-process Profits Standard Costing and Variance Analysis: Meaning of Standard Costing, Preliminaries to the cost of Standard cost, Analysis of Material, Labour, Overheads and Sales Variance.
14. INTERNATIONALFINANCIALMANAGEMENTANDPOLICY - Significance and contemporary issues in International Financial Management. Crossborder investment decisions – concept and types. Green field investment Vs. crossborder mergers and acquisitions; Valuations techniques–Net Present Value Model and Adjusted Net Present Value Model
- Risks in cross-border investment decisions, Foreign Direct Investment: Concept, Types, Theories, Significance, Limitations, FDI trends and Policy in India,
- International Trade and Policy: Trade and Development, Significance of International Trade, Theories of International Trade – including gravity model theory. Free trade Vs. Protection. Trade barriers and non-trade barriers and their implications.
- India’s Trade Policy, Balance of trade and balance of payment- Concepts, Components of balance of payment; disequilibrium and remedial steps
- Regional Economic Integration: Concept and Rationale Levels of regional economic integration- free trade, custom union, economic union, common market, political union. Trade creation and trade diversion effects. Regionalism Vs. Multilateralism. India’s trade and economic relations with SAARC, BIMSTEC, ASEAN, EU, GCC and BRICS
- Foreign Exchange and Terms of Trade: Foreign Exchange Market – Functions, International Payment, Transactions in the foreign exchange market, Exchange control objectives, Exchange rate systems. Convertibility of rupee. Devaluation-Approaches, Significance and Devaluation of Indian rupee, Terms of Trade-Concepts, Measurement, Importance and Limitations
- Currency Derivatives: Currency Forward Market, Currency Future Market, Currency Options Market, Currency Call Options, Currency Put Options and Financial Swaps
15. FINANCIALINSTITUTIONSANDMARKETS - Introduction: Nature and role of financial system – Financial System and financial markets. An economic analysis of financial system in India, Indian financial system – A critical analysis
- Financial Markets: Money and capital markets. Money market Instruments: Call money, treasury bills, certificates of deposits, commercial bills, trade bills, etc. Capital market: Government securities market, Industrial security market, Role of SEBI – and overview; Recent developments National Depository Securities Ltd.(NDSL), MarketMakers, Money Market Institutions
- Central bank: Functions and its role in money creation, Commercial banks; Present structure, Introduction to International and Multinational banking. Non- Banking Institutions: Concept, role of financial institutions, sources of funds, Functions, and types of non-banking financial institutions
- Mutual Funds: The evaluation of mutual funds, regulation of mutual funds (with special reference to SEBI guidelines), Performance evaluation, Design, and marketing of mutual funds scheme; Latest mutual fund schemes in India – An overview. Evaluating of mutual funds
- Merchant Banking: Concept, function, growth, government policy regarding Merchant banking business and future of merchant banking in India, Changing Role of Financial Institutions: Role of banking, financial sector reforms, financial and promotional role of financial institutions, universal banking; concept and consequences.
16. STOCK MARKET OPERATIONS - Security Markets: Primary and secondary market; Primary market – its role and functions; Methods of selling securities in primary market; New financial instruments; SEBI guidelines for public issues
- Stock exchanges; Listing of securities in stock exchanges; Trading mechanism – 10 screen-based trading; Internet based trading, National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange –role, organization and management; Listing procedure, accounting records for buying/selling transactions; Nature of transactions – cash and forward; Settlement of trades
- Share Price Indices: Need and importance; Compiling of index numbers and interpretation
- Depository: Role and need; The Depositories Act, 1996; SEBI (Depositories and Participants Regulation) 1996; SEBI (Custodian of Securities) Regulation 1996; National Securities Depository Ltd.(NSDL)
- Derivative Trading: Future and options-concept, meaning and importance, Methods of trading; Valuation of options, Raising funds from International Markets: FITs, Euro issues, ADR’s, GDR’s and FDI; SEBI guidelines
17. E-COMMERCE AND DIGITALMARKETING - E – commerce Business Model & Concepts: B2C, B2B & other business models; the e- commerce Infrastructure- Resources & Planning for infrastructure
- Building E – business Websites – Role of Website in e – business, website strategies, website design principles
- E – business Marketing strategies related to product, price, place and promotion. E – business & supply chain Management; E – business & Procurement
- Electronic payment systems and its role in e- business; types of e- payment systems; UPI, IMPS, NEFT, RTGS, digital rupee,
- Electronic Data Interchange – concepts and role; Issues in Electronic commerce – Security concerns, Taxation concerns, legal concerns, Cyber laws in India and its limitations. Taxation issues of E–Business & E–Commerce. Regulatory framework for E – Business. International rules of law in respect of E – business
- Introduction to Digital Marketing :Evolution of digital Marketing, Traditional vs Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Channels, Digital Marketing Plan, Digital Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing Application and Benefits, Digital Marketing in India
- The Consumer and Digital Marketing: Impact of Digital Technology on Consumer Behaviour, Attributes of online buying behavior, Marketing Intelligence from user’s online data understanding consumer demands, brand building on web
- Social Media Marketing: Social Networking, Objectives of Social Media Strategy, Building social media strategy, Types of Social media marketing, Facebook marketing, LinkedIn marketing, Instagram marketing, Youtube Marketing, Twitter Marketing, Emerging Platforms of digital marketing: E-mail marketing, Mobile marketing, Video Marketing
- Artificial intelligence and virtual Reality in Digital Marketing
MANAGEMENT THEORIES AND PRACTICES - Introduction; Concept of Entrepreneurship; Role of entrepreneurship in economic development; Factors impacting emergence of entrepreneurship; Types of entrepreneurs; Characteristic of successful entrepreneurs
- Entrepreneurship Development and Leadership; Types of startups; Entrepreneurial training; Entrepreneurship Development Programmes; Characteristics of entrepreneurial leadership, Components of entrepreneurial leadership
- Identification of investment opportunities; Project ideas generation and screening. Phases in Project Management, Project feasibility study, Appraisal criteria and process; Methods of appraisal under certainty, uncertainty, and risk o Market and demand analysis: Sources of information–primary and secondary; Demand forecasting and market planning o Technical analysis: Materials and inputs; Production technology; Product mix; Plant location and layout; Selection of plant and equipment o Financial analysis: Cost of project and means of financing; Major cost components; Planning capital structure; Financing schemes of financial institutions, social cost benefit analysis: Meaning and methodology; L & M and UNIDO approach; SCBA in India Project implementation; PERT and CPM. Problem of time and cost overrun, Project implementation practices in India. Project Review/control–Evaluation of Project.
19. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS POLICY - Strategic Management and Business Policy: Strategic Management – meaning, level at which strategy operates and essentials of strategic management process. Strategic management: awareness and change, E-V-R Congruence, Models of Strategic Management. Strategic Leadership and Decision Making. Business policy and genesis of strategic management and business policy. Strategy formulation-environmental appraisal, organizational appraisal and corporate level strategies
- Strategic Success: The Organizational Mission and Objectives: Vision, Mission and Objectives. Financial Analysis, Company Failure predicting company failure, symptoms and causes of company decline.
- Environmental Awareness and Management, SWOT Analysis. The competitive environment and competitive advantage: competition and the structure and regulation of industry in the United Kingdom, Analysing an industry, competitive advantage, successful competitive strategies. Competitive advantage through products, processes and service: the organisation’s value chain, The value chain and competitive advantage marketing strategy, Research and development, innovation and new products, speed and competitive advantage operations management, Service, not-for-profit and small businesses, supply chain architecture, Service and total quality management
- Financial Strategy: Financing and competitive advantage. Information, information systems and information technology, the strategy information challenge, information technology and competitive advantage. Planning and creating corporate strategy: Strategy formulation, planning and planning systems, strategic planning techniques. Strategic alternatives and market entry strategies: disinvestment strategies, strategic means, international strategies, and selection of strategies. Issues in strategic growth: diversification and acquisition, acquisition, effective acquisition strategies, joint ventures, and strategic alliances. Issues in strategic consolidation and recovery: the feasibility of recovery, retrenchment, strategies, turn around strategies, management buyouts, financing a buyout, management buyins, managing recession, strategies for declining industries, implementing recovery strategies
- Corporate Strategy and Corporate Management Style: styles of corporate management, strategic management at the corporate level, the role of general managers, organizations in the late 1990s. Issues in strategic resource management: corporate resource planning, functional planning, policies, procedures, plans and budgets, crisis avoidance and management. Issues in strategic change management: issues in the management of change, strategies for implementation and change, power and politics
- Strategic Implementation, Evaluation and Control: Strategy implementationconcept, nature, barriers, and model of strategy implementation. Resource allocationstrategic budgeting, aligning resource allocation to strategy, factor affecting resource allocation and difficulties in resource allocation. An overview of strategic evaluation and control, nature, importance, participants and barriers in strategic evaluation, requirements for effective evaluation. Strategic control-premise control, implementation control, strategic surveillance, and special control. Operation Control. Techniques of strategic evaluation and control
20. SECURITY ANALYSIS & PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT - Portfolio Analysis: Estimating rate of return and standard deviation of portfolio. Effect of combining the securities, Markowitz Risk-return optimization, Portfolio Performance Evaluation: Measure of return, risk adjusted measures of return, market timing, evaluation criteria and procedures. Investment policies of Individuals, Tax saving schemes in India, Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis and Efficient Market Hypothesis
- Single Index Model or Market Model: Portfolio total risk, portfolio market risk and unique risk, Simple Sharpe’s optimization solution
- Capital Market Theory: Capital market line, security market line, risk free lending and borrowings
- Factor Models: Arbitrage pricing theory, two factor and multi- factor models, Principle of arbitrage, arbitrage portfolios.
21. ADVANCED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND POLICY - Capital Structure Theory and Policy: Concept, Meaning, Importance, Determinants of Capital structure, Optimum Capital Structure, Theories of capital structure, Financial Statement Analysis- Comparative Statement Analysis, Common Size Statement Analysis, Trend Analysis, Ratio Analysis. Financial and Operating Leverages
- Corporate Restructuring and Policy: Concept, Meaning, Objectives, Techniques of Corporate restructuring. Mergers and Takeovers: Types, Objectives, Legal and Procedural Aspect of Mergers and Takeovers, valuation and financing Mergers and Takeovers, an overview of Mergers and Takeovers in India, Financial Restructuring: Meaning, Objectives, Steps in Financial Restructuring, Reorganization of Capital, Buy-back of shares. Financial Management of Sick Unit
- Cost of Capital: Meaning, significance, Computation of Cost of Capital including CAMP, Weighted Average Cost of Capital 13
- Valuation of Securities: Valuation of Securities – Bonds and Equities. Shareholder Value and Corporate Governance
- Financial Derivatives and Policy: Concept, Recent developments in financial derivative market. Financial Derivative Market in India-Structure, Regulatory Framework and Classification. Options- Concept, Uses, Types, Models – BlackScholes, Put—Call Parity Relationship. Futures- Futures Market, Futures Contracts and Futures Trading, Hedging- Concept, process, objectives, importance, foreign exchange risk and hedging. Swaps- Concept, Basic Swap structure and Growth of Swap Market. Or CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR
- Consumer Behaviour: Importance and nature of consumer behaviour; Types of consumers and their role; Consumer behavior and marketing concept; Changing profile of Indian consumers and new consumption patterns, Conducting consumer research – overview of process, complexities and issues,
- Consumer Decision Making Process: Buying motives; Buying roles; Consumer buying process; Stages and levels of consumer decision making; Business buying behaviouran overview; Personal Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour: Demographic characteristics; Family, Family life cycle and consumer decision making; House hold influence on consumer buying behaviour;
- Theories of motivation and its application to consumer behaviour; Perception; Perceptual mapping and positioning; Value perceptions; Attitude and attitude change; Attitude models; Learning and learning theories
- Consumer involvement- antecedents and consequences; Personality- Concept and personality theories; Psycho graphics; Lifestyle and applications
- Socio-Cultural Determinants of Consumer Behaviour: Reference group influencesTheories of reference group and applications; WOM communication and opinion leaders; Social class and social class stratification in India; Understanding cultural and sub-cultural
- Models of Consumer Behaviour and Business Buying Behaviour: An overview of contemporary models; Deterministic and probabilistic approaches; Contemporary Models of consumer behaviour. Or HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT
- Introduction to Human Resource Development: Historical perspective, emergence of HRD, conceptualizing critical HRD; Contemporary realities and future of HRD; Andragogy and life-long learning.
- Theoretical approaches to Human Resource Development: Social capital theory, learning network theory, relevance of systems theory to HRD, human capital theory and screening theory of HRD
- Human Resource Development Process: Identifying HRD needs; Designing and developing effective HRD programs; Evaluating effectiveness of HRD Programs 14
- HRD interventions, integrating learning with work: Theories of learning, trends in workplace learning, learning interventions; Transfer of learning
- Learning organizations and organizational learning, Human Resource Development Trends: New ways of working and employability; Coaching, mentoring and management of performance; Virtual HRD; national HRD.
Part-II (B.Ed. portion) 20 marks
Foundation of Education System
- Concept and Nature of Knowledge, Knowledge Acquiring Process.
- Indian Knowledge System; Vedic Education System, Buddhist Education System
- Concept of Education; Meaning, Nature, Modes of Education, Objectives of Education,
- Approaches to Education.
- Philosophical, Psychological, Sociological and Technological Basis of Education
- (Meaning and Needs)
- Concept of important Variables: Personality, Intelligence, Creativity, Academic
- Achievement, Problem Solving Ability
Teacher Education and Related Aspects:-
- Concept of Teacher Education, Historical Aspects of Teacher Education in India, Scope of Teacher Education, Types and Levels of Teacher Education Programmes.
- Teacher and Teaching related Concepts, Learner and Learning Related Concepts,
- Relation between Teaching and Learning, Learning Environment, Pillars of Learning.
- Challenges in the field of Teacher Education (Discussion with reference to NEP 2020 also)
Pedagogy and Teaching Learning Experiences:-
- Communication Skills and its Use
- Models of Teaching; Advance organizer, Concept Attainment, Information Processing, Inquiry Training
- Methods of Teaching
- Preparation and Use of Teaching Learning Material
Information Technology in Teaching Learning Process
- ICT; Its meaning and use in Teaching Learning Process
- Concept of Open Educational Resources, SWAYAM and MOOCs
- Digital Initiatives in School Education by Government of India
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हेलो दोस्तों ,आपका हमारी वेबसाइट पर स्वागत है। जैसा की आपको पता है हमारी वेबसाइट आपको समय-समय पर सभी HP Govt Jobs & All India Govt Jobs की Notifications प्रदान करवाती है। साथ ही साथ Himachal Pradesh Exam Previous Paper और Himachal Pradesh GK ,Himachal Pradesh & National +International Current Affairs के सभी नोट्स मुफ्त उपलब्ध करवाते है। हमारी वेबसाइट के अलग अलग प्लेटफार्म पर pages & Group बने है जैसे की facebook ,Telegram और Instagram .. अगर आप हिमाचल के किसी भी पेपर की तैयारी कर रहे हो तो जल्दी से इन groups के साथ जुड़ जाएं इनके लिंक नीचे table में दिए गए है।
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