Traffic laws related Question Answer For HPSSC Traffic Inspector Exam Set-3



Traffic laws related Question Answer For HPSSC Traffic Inspector Exam Set-3

||Traffic law related Question Answer For HPSSC Traffic Inspector Exam Set-3||Traffic law related Question Answer For HPSSSB Traffic Inspector Exam Set-3||


1. The ‘L’ often written on the wind shield of the vehicle specifies which of the following?

(A) Learning

(B) Learner

(C) Left

(D) Leave

2. Schedule 2 of Industrial disputes act 1947 deals with which of the following concerns?

(A) Unfair labour Practice

(B) Matter within the jurisdiction of Labour Courts

(C) Matters within the jurisdiction of Industrial Tribunal

(D) None of the above

3. What percentage of the wages is contributed by employer as a share of contribution under the ESI Act?

(A) 3.25%

(B) 4.75%

(C) 6.33%

(D) 7.00%

4. When did the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019 come into existence in India?

(A) 01 August

(B) 01 September

(C) 01 October

(D) 01 November

5. Any person, who travels in motor vehicle by the State Transport Undertaking without having proper ticket, may be removed from the motor vehicle by?

(A) Authorized servant of the State Transport Undertaking

(B) Any servant of the State Transport Undertaking

(C) Cannot be removed from the Motor Vehicle

(D) None of the above

6. The traffic signs, traffic signals and the rules of the road regulations made under which section of CMV Rules 1989?

(A) Section 102

(B) Section 111

(C) Section 118

(D) Section 110

7. Tripartite bodies includes which of the following three?

(A) Labour, Employer and Govt

(B) Labour, Public and Govt

(C) Labour, Public and Employers

(D) None of the above

8. What Section 41-G of the Factories Act 1948 says?

(A) Air and Water Pollution Machinery

(B) Fencing of machineries

(C) Work on near machinery in motion

(D) Workers participation in safety management

9. According to the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019, how many rupees are challaned for driving at a speed exceeding the prescribed speed limit?

(A) ₹ 200

(B) ₹ 500

(C) ₹ 1000

(D) ₹ 2000

10. No prosecution under Himachal Pradesh Prevention of Ticketless Travel in Road Transport Service Act, 1976 shall be instituted except on the complaint in writing by such officer as may be authorised in this behalf by  the?

(A) Central Government

(B) State Government

(C) State Transport Undertaking

(D) Regional Transport Officer


11. Where the ownership of the Motor Vehicle is transferred the transfer shall be reported in which form?

(A) Form 21

(B) Form 29

(C) Form 22

(D) Form 28

12. Govt has to Work committee for minimum how many workers working in the industry?

(A) 50

(B) 100

(C) 150

(D) 200

13. What is ‘Sawachh safar and ‘Surakshit Yatra’?

(A) Road safety related comic books

(B) Road safety related mobile apps

(C) Road safety related Road ATLAS

(D) None of the above

14. The examination of eye sight of certain workers under the factories Act shall be done after at least how many months?

(A) 6 months

(B) 12 months

(C) 18 months

(D) 24 months

15. Under Himachal Pradesh Prevention of Ticketless Travel in Road Transport Service Act, 1976, ticket includes?

(A) Duty Pass

(B) Privilege Pass

(C) Courtesy Pass

(D) All of the above

16. What should be the size of the registration plate for medium commercial vehicles and heavy commercial vehicles or combination?

(A) 200×100mm

(B) 240×120mm

(C) 340×200mm

(D) 460×280mm

17. Which of the following is the head of the Industrial Tribunal ?

(A) High Court Judge

(B) Deputy commissioner of the concerned District

(C) Industries extension officer

(D) District Judge

18. Which decade has been declared by the United Nations as the decade of action for road safety?

(A) 2001 – 2010

(B) 2010 – 2020

(C) 2020 – 2030

(D) 2030 – 2040

19. Which of the following is not included under the definition of wages given under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936?

(A) Incentive

(B) Basic Wage

(C) Dearness Allowance

(D) Gratuity

20. The Himachal Road Transport Corporation was established under which act?

(A) Motor Vehicle Act 1939

(B) Himachal Pradesh Prevention of Ticketless Travel in Road Transport Service Act, 1976

(C) Road Transport Corporation Act, 1950

(D) Motor Vehicles Act, 1988


||Traffic law related Question Answer For HPSSC Traffic Inspector Exam Set-3||Traffic law related Question Answer For HPSSSB Traffic Inspector Exam Set-3||

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