Traffic laws related Question Answer For HPSSC Traffic Inspector Exam Set-8


Traffic laws related Question Answer For HPSSC Traffic Inspector Exam Set-8

||Traffic law related Question Answer For HPSSC Traffic Inspector Exam Set-8||Traffic law related Question Answer For HPSSSB Traffic Inspector Exam Set-8|| 


 1. Which rule has mentioned the minimum educational qualification for the Drivers according to CMV Rules 1989?

(A) Rule 6

(B) Rule 7

(C) Rule 8

(D) Rule 9

2. Who may by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out all or any of the purposes of Himachal Pradesh Prevention of Ticketless Travel in Road Transport Service Act, 1976?

(A) Central Government

(B) State Government

(C) Road Transport Undertaking

(D) None of the above

3. Grievance handling machinery is given in which of the following act?

(A) ID Act 1947

(B) Factories Act

(C) Both A and B

(D) Neither A nor B

4. How many member’s consent is required to change the name of the registered Trade Union under Trade Unions Act?

(A) 1/4th of the total members

(B) Half of the total members

(C) 2/3rd of the total member

(D) 3/4th of the total members

5. According to the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019, what is the penalty for overloading the vehicle?

(A) 10000 and then 1000 per ton

(B) 20000 and then 2000 per ton

(C) 10000 and then 2000 per ton

(D) 20000 and then 1000 per ton

6. In any factory or industrial establishment where less than 1000 employees are employed the wages shall be paid before the expiry of how many days?

(A) 4th day

(B) 7th day

(C) 10th day

(D) 14th day

7. Bharat Stage-I Norms are issued in which year?

(A) 2000

(B) 2002

(C) 2005

(D) 2010

8. The amount recovered for an offence is mentioned in which section of Himachal Pradesh Prevention of Ticketless Travel in Road Transport Service Act, 1976?

(A) Section 2

(B) Section 3

(C) Section 6

(D) Section 8

9. The Trade Unions Act came into operation from which date?

(A) 1st May, 1927

(B) 1st June, 1927

(C) 1st May, 1928

(D) 1st June, 1928

10. If a person wilfully obstructs or impedes any servant of the State Transport Undertaking in the discharge of his duty, he shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to?

(A) 1 month

(B) 3 months

(C) 6 months

(D) 9 months


11. When was the industrial disputes act first amended?

(A) 1947

(B) 1949

(C) 1954

(D) 1977

12. Grievance redressal committee should be established in every factory/industry employing how many workers at least?

(A) 10

(B) 20

(C) 45

(D) 100

13. What is Lock Out?

(A) When work is closed for short duration by workers

(B) Due to Economic slowdown, owner shut the industry for short time

(C) When owner has not renewed the License

(D) When Industry is shut down due to Loss

14. What shall be the proportion of Women amongst the members appointed in the Advisory Committee formed under The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976?

(A) One-Fourth

(B) One-Half

(C) One-Third

(D) Two-Third

15. What should be the size of the registration plate for two or three wheelers?

(A) 200 mm × 100 mm

(B) 250 mm × 150 mm

(C) 340 mm × 200 mm

(D) 80 mm × 45 mm

16. General rules for strike and lockout are given under which Section of Industrial Disputes Act 1947?

(A) Section 21

(B) Section 22

(C) Section 23

(D) Section 24

17. The maximum number of persons that can be declared as protected in an organisation should not be more than?

(A) 10

(B) 50

(C) 100

(D) 500

18. According to the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019, how much penalty will one have to pay for not giving way to emergency vehicles?

(A) Rs. 1500

(B) Rs. 4500

(C) Rs. 6500

(D) Rs. 10000

19. The period of one year of continuous service contained in the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 means?

(A) 180 days service in a year

(B) 240 days service in a year

(C) 270 days service in a year

(D) 300 days service in a year

20. If the State Government intends to add a given employment to the Schedule under Minimum Wages Act 1948, it shall be required to give a notice of not less than how many months?

(A) 1 month

(B) 3 months

(C) 6 months

(D) 9 months


||Traffic law related Question Answer For HPSSC Traffic Inspector Exam Set-8||Traffic law related Question Answer For HPSSSB Traffic Inspector Exam Set-8||

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