Virus MCQ Question Answer For HPTET Medical Exam


Virus MCQ Question Answer For HPTET Medical Exam

||Virus MCQ  For HPTET Medical Exam||Virus  Question Answer For HPTET Medical Exam||

1. Plant viruses usually contain:

(a) RNA

(b) DNA

(C) DNA and RNA

 (d) DNA or RNA

2. Viruses were discovered by :

(a) Stanley 

(b) Ivanowski

(c) Twort

(d) Herelle

3. Viruses are defined as :

(a) a bunch of genomes which are looking for a suitable host for replication

(b) micro-organisms which contains DNA only

(c) smallest micro-organisms causing disease

(d) micro-organisms which contains RNA only

4. RNA particles causing symptoms like those of viral diseases is known as :

(a) virion

(b) vira

(c) viroid 

(d) None of these

5. Coliphage X 174 contains :

(a) double stranded RNA

(b) single stranded DNA

(c) double stranded DNA

(d) single stranded RNA

6. Viruses differ from living organisms in that, they :

(a) can grow inside a living host

(b) can multiply inside a living host

(c) can undergo mutation inside a living host

(d) are non-cellular

7. Virus which attacks E.coli is called :

(a) bacteriophage 

(b) coliphage

c) phytophage

 (d) zoophage

8. Virus is a…… ….stage between living and non-living.

(a) balanced

 (b) threshold

(c) transitional

(d) None of these

9. The virus DNA which is incorporated into bacterial DNA is termed as :

(a) episome 

(b) mesosome

(C) free DNA 

(d) T-phage

10. Virus was crystallized and isolated first by :

(a) J.D. Ivanowski

 (b) F.C. Bawden

(c) W.M. Stanley

 (d) K.M. Smith

11. Little leaf disease of brinjal is caused by :

(a) viruses

(b) bacteria

(c) fungi

 (d) None of these

12. The smallest virus has a size of:

(a) 1 nm

 (b) 3 nm

(c) 6 nm

(d) 2 nm

13. Which of the following is devoid of protein coat, with a constitution of RNA only?

(a) Tobacco mosaic virus

(b) Poxvirus

(c) Potato spindle tuber virus

(d) None of the above

14. Genetic modification brought about by a virus in a bacteria is known as :

(a) transformation

 (b) transduction

c) conjugation 

(d) candidiasis

15. Viruses are believed to be :

(a) living organisms

(b) non-living organisms

(c) a transitional group between living and non-living world

(d) living organisms which have lost the power of multiplication

16. Influenza virus contains :

(a) DNA

(b) RNA

c) Both (a) and (b)

 (d) None of these

17. Edward Jenner discovered :

(a) vaccination against small pox

(b) vaccination against chicken pox

(c) immunization against small pox

(d) immunization against chicken pox

18. Roux Sarcoma virus contains :

(a) RNA

(b) DNA

(C) DNA and RNA 

(d) None of these

 19. Which of the following is a viral disease of potato ?

(a) Early blight of potato

(b) Late blight of potato

C) Leaf roll of potato

(d) None of the above

20. The term ‘Virus’ has been derived from a Latin word meaning:

(a) poison

 (b) secretion

c) cell

(d) venom

21. Which of the following is an example of DNA containing plant virus?

(a) Tobacco mosaic virus

(b) Potato mosaic virus

(c) Cauliflower mosaic virus

(d) Tomato mosaic virus

22. Rabies is caused by :

(a) viruses

 (b) slime moulds

(c) fungi

 (d) bacterium

23. A clear zone formed in a bacterial colony due to viral action is called :

a) plague 

(b) phage

C) streak

 (d) kranz

24. An antiviral substance produced by many vertebrates in response to viral infection for resisting the multiplication of viruses is known as:

(a) antivirin

 (b) antigen

(c) virion 

(d) interferon

25. Viruses with two types of symmetry, i.e., icosahedral head and helical tail are called:

(a) picornaviruses 

(b) binal viruses

(c) riboviruses 

(d) none of these

Directions Qs. 26-30: In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a corresponding statement of Reason(R) just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct answer:

(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

(c) If assertion is true but reason is false

(d) If assertion is false but reason is true.

26. Assertion (A): Viruses are living organisms.

Reason (R): They donot possess their own biochemical machinery,

27. Assertion (A): Lytic cycle is shown by a virulent phage.

Reason (R): The host cell undergoes lysis.

28. Assertion (A): All RNA viruses cannot directly multiply in host cells.

Reason (R): RNA viruses need reverse transcriptase to synthesize DNA.

29. Assertion (A): Some viruses cause cancer.

Reason (R): Cancer viruses trigger uncontrolled growth of cell.

30. Assertion (A): In lysogenic cycle, the host cell does not get lysed.

Reason (R): Viral genome is integrated with the host DNA

{Answer:- 26 :- D,27:- B,28:- D,29:- A,30:-A}

||Virus MCQ  For HPTET Medical Exam||Virus  Question Answer For HPTET Medical Exam||

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