YS Parmar University Nauni Young Professional -II Recruitment 2024

YS Parmar University Nauni Young Professional -II Recruitment 2024


YS Parmar University Nauni Young Professional -II Recruitment 2024:-Applications on the prescribed form are invited for filling up of the temporary post of Young Professional-II (YP-Il) under the project entitled “Validation of DUS Testing Guidelines for Alstroemeria”(HGI-222-08) currently operative in the Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, COH, UH&F, Nauni Solan. The application form can be downloaded from the University website www.yspuniversity.ac.in. The processing fee will be as under(enclose self attested copy of category certificate). Please read terms & conditions carefully before filling the application form.

YS Parmar University Nauni Young Professional -II Recruitment 2024 Overview:-

Recruitment BoardYS Parmar University Nauni
Post NameYoung Professional -II
No. of Posts01
नई जॉब्स की जानकारी के लिए Himexam का टेलीग्राम ग्रुप Join करें। Himexam
Category YS Parmar University Nauni Jobs 2024
Apply Online Start24 February 2024
Last Date04 March 2024

Vacancy Details:-

Post NameEducation Qualification
Young Professional -IIM.Sc. in the discipline of Floriculture and Landscaping Desirable: Ph.D in the concerned subject with experience in handling of projects

Application will be considered valid only, if it is accompanied with prescribed processing fee in the shape of IPO/Bank Draft payable at State Bank of India/U.Co Bank, Nauni Solan 173230(HP) in favour of the Comptroller, Dr. Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni Solan. The application, complete in all respects, should reach to the Professor & Head, Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, College of Horticulture, Dr. YSP, UHF, Nauni(Solan) 173 230(HP) by 05.00 pm as on 04.03.2024 ( Monday) and walk- in – interview will be held on 05.03.2024(Tuesday) at 11. AM in the office chamber of the Professor & Head, Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, College of Horticulture, Dr. YSP, UHF, Nauni(Solan).

Terms & Conditions:

1. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
2. The minimum age under Young Professional category will be 21 years and maximum 45 years with relaxation as per rule.
3. The upper age limit is relaxable for reserved category candidates as per Govt. of India norms.
4. The recruitment is purely on temporary basis and is initially for a period upto 31.03.2024 or may be extended subject to the availability of fund or termination of the project. However, depending on the unsatisfactory progress, the appointment can be terminated at any time by issuing one month notice.
5. The candidate applying for the post will have no claim for their regularization as the post is purely temporary and their services can be terminated at any time, if not required in the project.
6. The candidate has to sign a service contract agreement on stamp paper at the time of joining and the service contract agreement shall be renewed on yearly and performance basis.
7. The selected candidate, who wishes to tender his/ her resignation during the period of appointment shall be required to service one months’ notice prior to resignation or to deposit one months” salary.
8. Applicants already working in any project should send their application through proper channel.
9. No separate letter for interview will be issued and the candidate will have to appear for interview at their own expenses on the date of interview.
10. The undersigned reserves the right not to fill-up the post, without assigning any reason.
11. The candidate must bring all the original testimonials at the time of interview.
12. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
13. The University will not accept as valid any arguments or plea such as breakdown, mail. communication, illness etc. for non-attendance of the interview and verification of documents where required.
14. Incomplete application or those received after last date will not be entertained and will be rejected straight way.
15. The candidate having marks issued in the form of CGPA/ OGPA should attach approved conversion table/ formula along with the application form.

Important Link:-

Official NotificationCLICK HERE

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