YSP Medical College Nahan Junior Resident Recruitment 2022
||YSP Medical College Nahan Junior Resident Recruitment 2022||YSP Medical College Nahan Junior Resident Jobs Notification 2022||
Applications are invited for filling up of 30 posts of Junior Resident out of which Gen-UR-l3, UR-(Ex-Servicemen)-4,UR-(Disabied)-1 (Total-l8 posts), SC (tIR)- 4 posts, ST(UR)-l, ST-(Disabled)-1 (Total-2posts), OBC(UR)-3 posts, EWS(UR)-3posts) at Dr YSPGMC, Nahan. Interested eligible candidates can download application proforma I other term and conditions from our official website http ://www.ysp gmc. ord.
Applications along with photo and attested copies of all relevant documents should be submitted on or before 08.06.2022 upto 5.00 P.M in the office of the Principal Dr. Y.S.P.G.M.C Nahan. Application form is available on college website http:ll www.yspgmc.org/. Copy of relevant documents are required to be attached with the application form. The date of interview shall be notified later, on the website of the institution
The details of advertised posts, eligibility criteria terms and conditions, application forms other terms and conditions of selection / appointment can be seen as well as downloaded from the website http://www.yspgmc.org/” In case any date mentioned above happens to be a holiday, the next working day will be considered as due date.
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