Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-31 (English):-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Himachal Pradesh gk question answers. This is part 31. Check our website daily to see other parts.
Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-31..
Table of Contents
#1. Who Put The Founding Stone of Chamba City???
#2. Who was the Ruler of Chamba State in 680 A.D.???
#3. Which King of Chamba Accepted the Sub Name Verman For the First Time ??
#4. who talked of the arrangement between kashmir and chamba by which chamba was freed from Kashmir??
#5. Which King of Chamba Transferred its Captial From Brahmpur to Chamba
#6. In which Ancient Book,there is Description of Kulut(Kullu)?
#7. which Ancient writer has Described Kulut (Kullu) in His Writings???
#8. which King of kullu was son of a Keep?
#9. In which village of Kullu District Parshuram Kothi is Situated?
#10. Around The middle of the sixteenth century,which king iof kullu suppressed those thakurs who usually gave challenge to his Power??
#11. Sat Vajiri Came Under Kullu Province Present kullu city came under which Vajiri??
#12. Who was the King iof Kullu Who was the last ruler to rule to use sub-name “pal” around 1450 A.D.?
#13. At which place of kullu District Sati Memorial Of Kings of Kullu is Situated?
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