Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-32 (English):-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Himachal Pradesh gk question answers. This is part 32. Check our website daily to see other parts.
Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-32..
Table of Contents
#1. At which of the following places “Chandra ans Bhaga” streams unite to form the Chenab?
#2. In which river gold is found in Himachal Pradesh
#3. Chenab enters Chamba at a place called:
#4. River Ravi leaves Chamba at a place called:
#5. Sola Singhi” is a famous Dhar falling in district:
#6. The famous “Jakh Dhar” is located in district:
#7. Which one of the following stream does not flow throw Hamirpur district:
#8. Which District is Located to The South of Hamirpur?
#9. Which Distirct s located at the East of Kangra??
#10. What percentage of total geographical area of the state is occupied by Kangra district:
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