Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-44 (English)

Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-44 (English)


Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-44 (English):-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Himachal Pradesh gk question answers. This is part 44. Check our website daily to see other parts.

Also Read :- Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-42

Daily HP GK Online Quiz Set-44..


#1. Which of the following Raja went to meet Mughal Viceroy while Shamsher Sen seized Karanpur?

#2. Which of the following was the smallest principality in Kangra area?

#3. Which of the following was not a tehsil of Kangra district before its integration with Himachal Pradesh in 1966?

#4. White Leghorns, Rhode, Island Red and white Plymouth Rock are breeds of which of the following?

#5. Binduka is the ancient name of which of the following rivers?

#6. Shotou is the festival celebrated at which of the following places?

#7. Which of the following Raja of Chamba killed Dateshwar Pal of Kullu in a battle?

#8. In the reign of which of the following Raja of Chamba an epidemic broke out and kiras occupied the territory?


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