Environmental Studies MCQ Question Answer For HPTET Set-3


Environmental Studies MCQ Question Answer For HPTET Set-3

||Environmental Studies MCQ  For HPTET Set-3||Environmental Studies  Question Answer For HPTET Set-3|| 

21. Air pollution effects are mostly found on :

(a) leaves

(b) flowers

(c) stems

(d) roots

22. Which one among the following chemicals is used for causing defoliation of forest trees?

(a) Amo 1618

(b) Phosphon D

(c) Malic Hydrazide

(d) 2, 4 Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid

23. Which chemicals are washed out in large amount by fertilizers in water supply?

(a) Nitrites

(b) Nitrates

(c) Sulphates 

(d) Phosphates

Read More:- Environmental Studies MCQ  For HPTET Set-2

24. Most important causative pollutant in soil is :

(a) Plastic

(b) Glass junk

(c) Iron Junk 

(d) Detergents

25. Use of lichens and Nerium in case of pollution is :

(a) Treatment of polluted water

(b) Promote Pollution due to SO,

(c) Bioindicators of So, Pollution

(d) Green muffler

26. In leaded petrol, antinocking agent is tetramethyl/tetraethyl lead. In unleaded petrol, this agent is :

(a) Methyl-ethyl ether

(b) Propane

(c) Methyl tertiary butyl ether

(d) Dibromomethane

27. Lead in petroleum is present in the form of tetraethyl and tetramethyl lead in automobile exhausts, it is released as

(a) nitrates of lead

(b) oxides of lead

(c) pure lead

(d) chlorides of lead

28. Green Petrol is :

(a) Leaded petrol

(b) Unleaded petrol

(c) Gasohol

(d) Low sulphur Diesel

29. Photochemical smog related to air pollution is related to :

(a) oxides of sulphur

(b) oxides of nitrogen

(c) oxides of oxygen

(d) oxides of carbon

30. Eco-friendly detergents do not contain :

(a) PO, and bleaches

(b) alcohols

(c) water softners

(d) Fluorescers

||Environmental Studies MCQ  For HPTET Set-3||Environmental Studies  Question Answer For HPTET Set-3|| 

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