Farmers’ Mass Movement in Chamba


 Farmers’ Mass Movement in Chamba 

Many mass movements took place in the state, sometimes due to injustice acts of the ruler and sometimes due to atrocities by the British. In the period of Raja Shri Singh in 1863 AD, the state faced confusing situation. A Farmers’ Mass Movement was held in 1895 AD against the ruler Raja Shayam Singh and Wazir Govind Ram due to various reasons. These were high land revenue, high demand of ‘Begar’ from the British officials and the bonded labour of 6 months. In 1932 AD, the banished people of the state formed Chamba Praja Suraksha League (Chamba People’s Defence League) under the leadership of MA Ahmed with its headquarters at Lahore. The league discussed about unstability of the state, high taxes and begar on people of the state. In 1936, Chamba Sewak Sangh was formed.

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