HP GK Question Answer In English Set-7

HP GK Question Answer In English Set-7


HP GK Question Answer In English Set-7 :-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Himachal Pradesh GK Question Answer In English Set-7. This is part 7. Check our website daily to see other parts.

Read More:- HP GK Question Answer In English Set-3


HP GK Question Answer In English Set-7:

414. Which Sikh Guru is associated with Pownta Sahib ?-Guru Gobind Singh 
415. In which city Guru Gobind Singh, created Dasham Granth? Pownta Sahib (1685-1688 A.D.) 
416. In which year Maharaja Ranjit Singh got Kangra Fort from Sansar Chand? –1809 A.D.
417. Who stopped king Ghamand Chand from expanding his empire by defeating him in 1770 A.D.? Jassa Singh Ramgarhia 
418. Who mediated between King Sansar Chand and Ramgarhia chief Jai Singh in the controversy over the occupation over Kangra Fort? -Maharaja Ranjit Singh
419. Which Sikh divided in 12 Misls ruled over some part of Kangra of H.P. in 1809. A.D.? Maharaja Ranjit Singh (Desa Singh Majithia)
420. From whom Jaisingh Kanhaiya evacuated Kangra Fort? Jeeva Khan
421. In which year the armies of Maharaja Ranjit Singh occupied Mandi? –1839 A.D.
422. Maharaja Ranjit Singh visited Kullu in:- -1808 A.D.
423. The Sikhs gave which thing to the British as a form of compensation on March 9, 1846 ? Kullu, Kangra, Lahaul-Spiti
424. The name of son of Sansar Chand whose war took place with Ranjit Singh -Aniruddh
425. By which treaty the Sikhs handed over all the hilly areas of the south of the Satluj river to the Britishers? Lahore Treaty (1846 A.D.) 
426. In which Vikram Samvat the Jwalamukhi treaty between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Sansar Chand to give Kangra Fort and Sandhata district to Lahore (Sikhs) took place? –Vikrami 1866 A.D. Shravan 5th (1809 A.D) 
427. Who led the Gorkha Army in 1805 A.D. who invaded Kangra ? –Amar Singh Thapa
428. In which year the treaty of Sugauli between the Gorkhas and the British was signed? –1815 A.D.  
429. What was the political effect of the treaty of Sugauli in 1815 A.D. on the hilly areas of H.P. and Uttrakhand? End of the influence of Gorkhas over this region and the beginning of the influence of the British
430. By which treaty the Gorkhas left their claim on the hilly provinces in 1815 A.D.? –Treaty of Sugauli 
431. What did the Gorkhas do under the leadership of Amar Singh Thapa from 1805 to 1809 A.D.? –By defeating Sansar Chand in Mahalmorio forced him to hide in Kangra Fort
432. The result of Malaun and Ramshahar war of 1815 was -Gorkha defeat 
433. In which period the Gorkhas occupied parts of Bushahar Province ? –1803-1815 A.D. 
434. Who led the campaign against the Gorkhas in Chaupal, Jubbal and Ravigarh regions? –James Veli Fraser
435. Which was the hilly place near Kalka where British political representative started to live in the beginning of the 19th Century? –Sabathu 
436. When the British rulers organised Kangra, Kullu and Lahaul-Spiti regions in the form of a district? -1846 A.D. (16 March)
 437. By which treaty the British Govt. divided Lahaul in British Lahaul and Chamba Lahaul? –Amritsar Treaty (March 16, 1846) 
438. In which year the treaty of Sugauli between the Gorkhas and the British took place? – -1815 A.D. 
439. After the treaty of Lahore in 1846 which British Governor-General occupied many Himachali hilly provinces including Kangra and Mandi? –Lord Dalhauzi
440. When the British invaded H.P. in 1814 A.D. then against whom the Himachali rulers fought a war? –Against the Gorkhas (Amar Singh Thapa) 

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