HP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-2

HP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-2


HP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-2

If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh High Court Clerk job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Computer,GK & Himachal Pradesh gk question answers. This is part -2. Check our website daily to see other parts.

HP High Court Clerk Test Series(10 Test With Answer Key) :- CLICK HERE

HP High Court Clerk Exam Preparation Set-2

1. Which of the following scientists introduced the concept of Stored Program Computer?
(a) Blaise Pascal
(b) Alan Turing
(c) John Von Neumann
(d) Charles Babbage

2. In 1950,___ a mathematician and a computing pioneer, proposed the “Imitation test”.

(a) Alan Turing
(b) Geoffrey Hinton
(c) Tim Berners-Lee
(d) Vint Cerf

3. Which of the following CPU registers is used by ALU to store operands?

(a) Both program counter and accumulator
 (b) Program counter
(c) Accumulator
(d) Address register 

4. Which computer components are interconnected by a system bus?
(a) Motherboard and I/O
(b) CPU and memory
(c) CPU, I/O and RAM
(d) CPU and HDD

5. Which of the following statements is correct about windows operating system?
(a) Windows NT supports preemptive multitasking
(b) Windows 10 was released in 2010
(c) Windows NT was released in 1987
(d) Windows NT was developed by Oracle and marketed by Microsoft

6. A small village named Plassey known for the ‘Battle of Plassey’ which was fought between East India company and Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah is located on the banks of which river?
(a) Bhagirathi
(b) Padma
(c) Hooghly
(d) Barakar

7. Generally, the warm ocean currents originate near the _____ and move towards the poles.
(a) Arctic circle
(b) Equator
(c) Tropic of Cancer
(d) Antarctic circle

8. How many Indian states share their border with Sikkim?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Four
(d) Three

9. The official mascot for the last Commonwealth Games held in Gold Coast in 2018, was:
 (a)  Borobi, a blue surfing koala
(b) Goldie, a kiwi bird
(c) Karak, a red-tailed black cockatoo
(d) Clyde, a thistle

10. Who built the Lakshmi Narayan Temple at Chamba? 
A. Meru Varman
B.Sahil Varman
C. Lakshmi Varman
D. Lalit Varman

11.On which river is Chamba Pattan bridge which, being without pillars, is first of its kind in h.p ? 
A. Ravi
B. Satluj
c. Yamuna
D. Beas

12.which raja of chamba abdicated in favour of his son Shyam Singh ARound 1873 AD?
a.siri singh
b. gopal singh
c.jeet singh
d.charat singh

13: Who negotiated the arrangement between the states Of Kashmir and Chamba by which the latter became independent of the former ? 
A. Col, Lawrence
B. George Russel
C. David Ochterlony
D. Capt. G. B irch

HP High Court Clerk Test Series(10 Test With Answer Key) :- CLICK HERE

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