HP High Court Clerk Driver Mali & Other Posts Recruitment 2023

HP High Court Clerk,Driver Mali & Other Posts Recruitment 2023 Apply Online For 40 Posts


HP High Court Clerk,Driver Mali & Other Posts Recruitment 2023:-The High Court of Himachal Pradesh invites online applications (on the above-mentioned recruitment portal and website of High Court of HP) from all the eligible desirous candidates for filling-up the following clearcut anticipated future vacancies of Class-lll and lV falling vacant on the Establishment of High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-1.

HP High Court Clerk,Driver,Proof Reader,Translator Stenographer,Mali Notification 2023 has been out for 40posts. Candidates can check more details about HP High Court Clerk,Driver,Proof Reader,Translator Stenographer,Mali Recruitment 2023 for 40 Vacancies here.

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HP High Court Clerk,Driver Mali & Other Posts Recruitment 2023 Overview:-

HP High Court Clerk,Driver,Proof Reader,Translator Stenographer,Mali & Assistant Programmer Notification 2023 has been out for 40 vacancies . For the convenience of the candidates, we have tabulated the HP High Court NOtification 2023 Overview Here:-

Recruitment Board HP High Court
Post Name Clerk,Driver,Proof Reader,Translator Stenographer,Mali & Assistant Programmer
CategoryHP High Court Jobs 2023
Last Date30 September 2023

Vacancy Details:-HP High Court Jobs 2023

The total number of vacancies released is 40 for HP High Court Clerk,Driver,Proof Reader,Translator Stenographer,Mali & Assistant Programmer Post . Himachal Pradesh High Court Post-wise vacancy distribution is as follows

Post NameNo. Of Posts
Stenographer (Class-lll) (Mode d) (Regular)Total Post(s)- 05 (Five) 05-UR (Clearcut)
Translator(Class-lll)(Mode-b)(Regular)Total Post(s)- 02 (Two) 02-UR (Clearcut)
Translator Urdu(Class-lll)(Mode-c)(Regular)Total Post(s)- 01 (One) 01-UR (Clearcut)
Translator Punjabi(Class-lll)(Mode-c)(Regular)Total Post(s)- 01 (One) 0’l-UR (Clearcut)
Assistant Programmer (Class-lll) (On Contract Basis)Total Post(s)- 01 (One) 01-SC (Clearcut)
Clerk Proof Readers(Class-lll)(Regular)Total Post(s)’15 (Fifteen) 04-UR (1 Clearcut & 3 Anticipated), 03 – SC(Clearcut) 03 – ST(Clearcut) 03-EWS(Clearcut) 02-PH
Driver/ Driver (Leave Reserve) (Class-lll) (Regular)Total Post(s)- 06 (Six) 01-UR-AnticiPated, 01-SC(Clearcut) 01-ST(Clearcut) 03-EWS(Clearcut)
Safai Karamchari(Class-lV)Total Post(s)’04 (Four) 01-UR(Clearcut) 01-ST(Clearcut) 01-EWS(Clearcut) 01-PH(Clearcut
Mali(Class-lV)(Regular)Total Post(s)’05 (Four) 03-UR (2 Clearcut & 1 anticipated), 01-SC (Clearcut) 01-EWS(Clearcut)

Education Qualification:-HP High Court Notification 2023

The total number of vacancies released is 40 for HP High Court Clerk,Driver,Proof Reader,Translator Stenographer,Mali & Assistant Programmer Post . Himachal Pradesh High Court Post-wise Education Qualification is as follows

Post NameEducation Qualification
Stenographer (Class-lll) (Mode d) (Regular)Graduation with three (3) years’ experience as Steno-typist or Judgment Writer or Stenographer in any government office or reputed organisation. Candidates must be having speed of 100 W.P.M., in English Stenography and accurate transcription of the matter dictated within a period of 5 times to the time allotted for dictation and typing speed, in English, at 50 W.P.M., on computers, wherefor a separate test shall be held. Provided that only 10% of the mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and typed matter in typing test shall be allowed. In other words, the candidates committing more than 10% mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and the typed matter in typing test shall be declared as unqualified. Recruitment on the basis of competitive examination as per Schedule-IV (Part-H) of the “The Himachal Pradesh High Court Officers and the Members of Staff (Recruitment, Promotion, Conditions of Service, Conduct & Appeal) Rules. 2015.
Translator(Class-lll)(Mode-b)(Regular)Graduation with 50% marks in English and have studied Hindi as a subject at the Graduation Level. Recruitment on the basis of competitive examination as per Schedule-IV (Part-F-|I) of the R&P Rules, 2015 ibid.
Translator Urdu(Class-lll)(Mode-c)(Regular)Graduation with 50% marks in English and have studied Hindi as a subiect at the Graduation Level. Candidates must have studied URDU in Matriculation. Recruitment on the basis of competitive examination as per Schedule-IV (Part-F-|) of the R&P Rules, 2015 ibid.
Translator Punjabi(Class-lll)(Mode-c)(Regular)Graduation with 50% marks in English anc have studied Hindi as a subject at the Graduation Level. Candidates must have studied PUNJABI in Matriculation
Assistant Programmer (Class-lll) (On Contract Basis)a. B.E./ B. Tech in Computers or I.T. or equivalent technical gualification at least in Second Division. Or b. B.Sc./ B.A./ B.com in First Division with post Graduate Dioloma in Computer Application/ IT. with two (2) years’ experience as System Assistant or Assistant Programmer on higher or equivalent post. Or c. Matriculation with 3 years Diploma in Computers from any recognized Polytechnic College or equivalent technical qualification from the recognised Institution/ Board/ University with four (4) year experience as at (b) above. Recruitment on the basis of competitive examination as per “High Court of Himacha Pradesh Members of Technical Manpower (Computer) (Appointment, Conditions of Service and Conduct) Rules. 2014”.
Clerk Proof Readers(Class-lll)(Regular)Graduation. The candidates shall have to qualify the Typing test at a speed of 30 WPM (in English) on computer, wherefor separate test shall be held, after qualifying the Screening Test. Recruitment on the basis of competitive examination as per Schedule-IV (Part-K) of the R&P Rules, 2015 ibid.
Driver/ Driver (Leave Reserve) (Class-lll) (Regular)Matriculate and shall possess a valid Driving Licence with experience of at least three (3) years to drive the Light Motor Vehicles or Medium or Heavy Vehicles. Recruitment on the basis of competitive examination as per Schedule-IV (Part-0) of the R&P Rules, 2015 ibid. The Proficiency/ Driving test of the candidates shall be held, after qualifying the screening test for the post. Preference shall be given to those candidates having good mechanical knowledge of Automobiles.
Safai Karamchari(Class-lV)Matriculation Interview as per Schedule-IV (Part-S) of the R&P Rules, 2015 ibid. Preference shall be given to the persons having experience in doing in the Cleanliness wOrk
Mali(Class-lV)(Regular)Matriculation with diploma in gardening or Horticulture from recognised University/ Institution. Minimum three years’ experience in gardening etc. Interview as per Schedule-IV (Part-S) of the R&P Rules, 2015 ibid, from amongst the persons having experience in gardening or as Mali

Terms & Conditions:-

1. The candidates are advised that before applying online they must go through “The Himachal Pradesh High Court Officers and the Members of Staff (Recruitment, Promotion, Conditions of Service, Conduct & Appeal) Rules, 2015 [High Court of Himachal Pradesh Members of Technical Manpower (Computer) (Appointment, Conditions of Service and Conduct) Rules, 2014 for recruitment of Assistant Programmer- on contract uploaded on the High Court website i.e., https://hphighcourt.nic.in/rules/Part-All(3)2015.pdf and https://hphighcourt.nic.in/rules/TechMan- 2014.pdf.

2. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential qualification(s) etc., as mentioned in the R&P Rules 2015, R&P Rules 2014 & Advertisement notice by uploading copies of essential qualification, matriculation certificate as age proof, any higher qualification, experience certificate (where required) to avoid rejection of their candidature after the closing date. The number of vacancies, as shown above, may increase or decrease in future, due to administrative exigencies. The candidates for appointment to any of the abovementioned posts) must be Citizen of India and also possess requisite educational and other qualifications as prescribed under R8P Rules, 2015 ibid (R&P Rules, 2014 ibid in respect of the post of Assistant Programmer) as on 31.08.2023 i.e., https:// hphighcourt.nic.in/rules/Part-All(3)2015.pdf and https://hphighcourt.nic.in/rules/ TechMan-2014 pdf.,

3.The examination fee for the candidates applying online against each advertised vacancy is Rs. 340/ (plus GST as applicable) for General (UR)category and Rs. 190/- (plus GST as applicable) for all other reserved categories other than General (UR) category who deserve fee relaxation/exemption under the Rules and the same shall have to be paid ONLY through ONLINE MODE. The fee, paid once, shall not be refunded to the candidate, in any case.

4. Age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years or more than 45 years as on 31.08.2023. Five years relaxation in upper age limit is admissible only to the bonafide SC of HP, ST of HP, OBC of HP and persons with disabilities of HP, in case there is a post reserved for these categories.

5.However, age relaxation for HP Govt. employees is also admissible as per instruction.of the Government of HP issued from time to time. The eligible candidates will ONLY be informed through SMS alerts or Emails (as registered/disclosed at the time of submitting application in online mode) about examinations)/tests) schedule etc. No separate communication/call letters etc. will be sent through any other mode. Therefore, the candidates are advised to give their working mobile numbers) and Email ID(s) used by them in the online application and ensure their working till the completion of selection process to avoid inconvenience.

6.There is no other means of contacting them except their mobile number(s) and Email ID(s). The applications are acceptable only in online mode even from those candidates, who have been sponsored by Employment Exchange(s)]. The desirous candidate(s) may use the recruitment web portal link at URL i.e. https://www.hphcrecruitment.in as well as another relevant link provided on High Court Website i.e. http://hphighcourt.nic. in on or before the last date of application at 11:59 P.M.

8.The High Court reserves the right to change any other terms of advertisement or to rectify the inadvertent or technical error at any stage. The candidates who are already in service of any Govemment or Semi Government Concern shall submit advance copy of their application on prescribed format with the requisite fee as mentioned in the advertisement before last date fixed for the receipt of application. His candidature shall be considered only on receipt of his application alongwith “NO OBJECTION CERTFICATE” issued by his Employer/Competent Authority alongwith application submitted by him through proper channel within 15 days of the last date fixed for receipt of application as applicable. The application(s) of such candidate(s), if not received through proper channel, shall be summarily rejected.

9. However, contract casual/ adhoc/ daily wagers/ work charged employees do not need to produce NOC’s from the concomed emplovor

10.Age, experience and qualification, as required shall be reckoned as on 31.08.2023. The candidates are advised to visit the website of High Court of HI regularly for obtaining updates with regard to recruitment process of aforesaid post(s). The decision of the High Court of HP regarding eligibility/ tests)/ and selection etc., will be final and no correspondence / personal enquiries/ representation of any type will be entertained.

11.Any request for change of date, time & venue of examination will not be entertained. If the candidate of reserved category scores more marks then the unreserved category candidate, he would be considered against unreserved category. The High Court reserves the right to ignore the preference of examination centre & hold the examination at some particular District(s), keeping in view the total strength of candidates for a particular posts).

12.The anticipated vacancies will be filled up only on available of these vacancies on account of retirement and promotion and candidate cannot claim their appointment against these vacancies. In case a candidate submits multiple applications for the same post, the application received later shall be considered as final for asserting the candidature of the applicant and the earlier application(s) shall be deemed to have been cancelled

Important Date:-

Start Date05 September 2023
Last Date30 September 2023

Important Links:-

Official NotificationCLICK HERE
Apply OnlineCLICK HERE

What is The Last Date For HP High Court Jobs 2023


How Many Posts are there in HP High Court Notification 2023


How to Apply HP High court Clerk Translator Driver Mali jobs 2023


which vacancies are recently Published by HP High Court 2023?

Clerk,Driver,Proof Reader,Translator Stenographer,Mali & Assistant Programmer

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