HP High Court Process Server Exam 2nd Merit List 2023:-HIGH COURT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH, SHIMLA-1 (2nd List – PROCESS SERVER – Regular) MERIT LIST/RESULT & ALLOCATION OF CIVIL AND SESSIONS DIVISION for the Post(s) PROCESS SERVER (Class-IV) (on Regular basis) on the Establishment of District Judiciary. (in response to Advt. No. HHC/Admn.3 (55)/2017- dated 14.09.2022 & Subsequent Addendum dated 12.10.2022)
1. Out of 05 anticipated post(s) ONLY 03 posts are made available for posting and 02 anticipated posts are still occupied. Therefore, the result only qua 04 Regular posts (i.e., 03 anticipated vacancies + 01 post on account of non-joining) are declared along with the allocation of Civil & Sessions Division(s), solely on the basis of the Merit List & availability of posts.
2. Civil & Sessions Divisions are allocated firstly on the basis of preference of choice as per Merit & when all the preferred stations of choice are exhausted, then the stations have been allocated on availability of post(s).
3. If two or more candidates have scored equal marks, the candidate elder in age has been given preference in the appointment.
4. The result regarding Contractual & Daily Wage Post(s) will be declared, after the joining of candidates against 04 Regular Vacancies.
5. Appointment Letter(s) will be issued by the concerned District & Sessions Judge(s)

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