HP History MCQ Question Answer Set-20 (English):-If you are preparing for any Himachal Pradesh government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Himachal Pradesh History MCQ Question Answers. This is part 20. Check our website daily to see other parts.
These HP History question answer is useful for all government papers of Himachal Pradesh like Police, Patwari Forest Guard, Conductor and all other papers.
HP History GK Online Quiz Set-20
#1. Which leader of the Ghadar movement was sentenced to death in Lahore conspiracy case, which was later converted into life imprisonment?
#2. Who is the composer of the inspirational song- Kadam-Kadam Badaye Jaa....of the Azad Hind Fauj?
#3. Which Sood Traders of Garli founded 'Bal Bharat Sabha' in Shimla, whose agenda was revolutionary?
#4. In which district of Himachal Pradesh is the freedom fighter Chaudhary Sher Jung, Matha Ram, Deep Ram and the Sunhari Devi related?
#5. Who took the oath of wearing black clothes till independence?
#6. Why did Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar begin the Suket Satyagraha in February 1948?
#7. What was the extension of the movement of 'Bhai Do, Na Pai' did the movement'?
#8. Who ruled the conference in Solan, February 1948, on the issue of merger in Himachal Pradesh of hill states?
#9. Who led the famous Mandi conspiracy of 1914-15?
#10. Who was the first President of the provisional government (1948)?
#11. Which of the following was not related to 'Pajota Satyagraha'?
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