HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri (Hamirpur) Guest Faculty Recruitment 2023

HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri (Hamirpur) Guest Faculty Recruitment 2023


HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri (Hamirpur) Guest Faculty Recruitment 2023 :-The College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpar requires teachers with good academic record and experience for teaching different courses under following subjects to undergraduate and post graduate classes on lecture basis @ Rs. 1,000/- per lecture per hour and maximum Rs. 3,000/- per day. One course of 1+1 credit load is equivalent to teaching one hour of theory class and two hours of practical class per week. Credit load for different courses can be 1+1, 2+1. 240 or 340 etc. per week depending upon the course contents. The credit load of a lecture based teacher will be determined on the basis of availability of number of courses in a particular subject. ‘The interview shall be held on 13 September, 2023 at 11.00 AM. The candidates with qualifications specified below should appear before the interview committee on the scheduled date and time in the office of the undersigned with all original documents and one set of attested copies of the certificates. No separate letter for interview will be issued. No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview.

HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri Hamirpur Guest Faculty Recruitment 2023 Overview:-

Recruitment BoardHP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri Hamirpur
Post NameGuest Faculty
No. Of Posts20
CategoryHP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri Hamirpur Jobs 2023
Interview Date13-09-2023

Vacancy Details:-HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri Hamirpur Jobs 2023

The total number of vacancies released is 20 for HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri Hamirpur Post . HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri Hamirpur Post-wise vacancy distribution is as follows

Subject NameNo. Of Posts
Forest Science & Technology03
Forest Biology & Tree Technology01
Forest Products01
Botany Plant Phsiology02
Human Ethics01
Agricultural Economics02
Physical Education01

Education Qualification:-HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri Hamirpur Jobs 2023

The total number of vacancies released is 20 for HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri Hamirpur Guest Faculty Post . HP Horticulture And Forestry College Neri Hamirpur Post-wise vacancy distribution is as follows

Subject NameEducation Qualification
Forest Science & TechnologyM. Sc. (Hort. with specialization in Post Harvest Technology/ Food Technology) & M. Tech. (Food Technology/ Food Processing Engineering/ Agricultural Processing Engineering)
Forest Biology & Tree TechnologyM. Sc. Forestry (Tree Genetic Resources/ Forest Biology & Tree Improvement/ Tree Improvement & Genetic Resources)
AgroforestryM.Sc. Forestry (Agroforestry)
Forest ProductsM.Sc. Forestry (Medicinal & Aromatic Plants/ Wood Science Technology / Forest Products and Utilization)
BioTechnologyM. Sc. (Biotechnology/ M. Tech. Biotechnology)
SilvicultureM. Sc. Forestry (Silviculture / Forest Management)
Botany Plant PhsiologyM.Sc. (Botany/ Plant Physiology)
BioChemistryM. Sc. (Plant Biochemistry)
StatisticsM.Sc. (Statistics)
EnglishM.A. (English)
Human EthicsMA (Sociology/ Philosophy)
LibraryMaster (Library Science)
Agricultural EconomicsM. Sc. (Agricultural Economics)
Physical EducationMaster(Physical Education)

The candidate must have qualified NET/SET. The condition is relaxable for candidates who hold Ph.D. degree with course work. This condition can further be relaxed if suitable candidate with NET/ SET is not available. However, the candidates with teaching experience in concerned cubiects /courses at college / university level can be preferred.

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