HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023:-HP Van Mitra Notification 2023 is released for 2061 Van Mitra vacancies at @http://forp.hp.gov.in/ . HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Link is active now….
HP Van Mitra Recruitment Notification 2023 is announced by the HP Forest Department for the 2061 posts on its official website @ http://forp.hp.gov.in/. The offline application Form for the HP Van Mitra Jobs 2023 is live now and will remain open till 30 December 2023. All the information regarding HP Forest Department Recruitment 2023 Notification is given in this Post….
Duty will be for six hours and salary will be Rs 10,000. After filling the form, they will be shortlisted and later there will be a physical test. There will also be an interview.
Table of Contents
ToggleHP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023
HP Forest Department invites offline applications from the Indian nationals for recruitment to the following Van Mitra posts :
HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023-Overview
HP Forest Department announced 2061 vacancies for Van Mitra posts. The last date to apply for HP Van Mitra Recruitment is 30 December 2023. Candidates can get a brief overview of HP Forest Department Recruitment 2023 in the table shown below….
Recruitment Board | HP Forest Department |
Post Name | Van Mitra |
No. Of Posts | 2061 |
नई जॉब्स की जानकारी के लिए Himexam का टेलीग्राम ग्रुप Join करें। | Himexam |
Application Mode | Offline |
Category | HP Forest Dept. Jobs 2023 |
Start Date | 30 November 2023 |
Last Date | 30 December 2023 |
Vacancy Details:-
The total number of vacancies released for HP Van Mitra Post . HP Van Mitra Circle-wise vacancy distribution is as follows
Circle | No. of Posts |
Bilaspur | 124 |
Chamba | 198 |
Dharamshala | 209 |
Hamirpur | 194 |
Kullu | 140 |
Mandi | 309 |
Nahan | 216 |
Rampur | 164 |
Shimla | 240 |
Solan | 108 |
WL (North) Dharamshala | 30 |
WL (South) Dharamshala | 77 |
GNHP. Shamshi | 52 |
Total | 2061 |
Educational Details:-
HP Van Mitra Post-wise Education Qualification distribution is as follows
Post Name | Education Qualification |
Van Mitra | The candidate should possess a minimum educational qualification of Matriculation and 10+2 pass from any School/Institution situated within Himachal Pradesh. Provided this condition of School/Institution being situated within Himachal Pradesh shall not apply to bonafide Himachalis. |
Age Limit:-
The candidate should be not less than 18 years & not more than 25 years of age as on the last date of receipt of applications.
Physical Standard:
(i) Height : 165 cm (minimum).
(ii) Chest :Minimum 79 cm. without expansion & 84 cm. after expansion
(i) Height: 150 cm (minimum).
(ii) Chest :Minimum74 cm without expansion & 79 after expansion.
(Physical standard in respect of Schedule Tribes candidates will be relaxed up to 5 cm. in height and 4 cm. each in respect of chest without and with expansion).
Physical Efficiency Test:
- MEN: Qualifying 5000 meters Race in 30 minutes.
- WOMEN: Qualifying 1500 meters Race in 10 minutes.
Selection & Engagement:
1. Composition of Van Mitra Engagement Committee: The ‘Van Mitra’ shall be engaged by a Van Mitra Engagement Committee as under:
- SDO (C) concerned : Chairperson
- DFO/ACF concerned: Member
- RO concerned Member Secretary
Procedure to be followed by the Van Mitra Engagement Committee:
I. The Van Mitra Engagement Committee shall judge the suitability of the candidates purely on merit basis.
2.Evaluation criteria: Evaluation shall be based purely on merit out of the total marks of 100. Marks will be awarded as follows:

IlI. Chairperson of Van Mitra Engagement Committee shall convey the complete list of eligible candidates for conducting the Physical Efficiency Test and Physical Standards to the concerned circle Chief Conservator of Forests/ Conservator of Forests who after carrying out the process will convey the result back to the Chairperson of Van Mitra Engagement Committee.
IV. The evaluation of candidates as per Evaluation criteria will be done only for candidates who qualify the Physical Efficiency Test and meet the Physical Standards.
V. Based on the procedure prescribed above, the Van Mitra Engagement Committee will prepare a panel of three candidates for engagement of ‘Van Mitra’, including 2 (two) waitlisted candidates in order of merit, who will be called for verification of original documents at the time of Personal Interview.
VI. In the event of a tie in marks scored, the candidate who is older in age will be placed above the candidate younger in age.
VIl. At the date and time appointed for Personal Interview by the Van Mitra Engagement Committee, the three candidates shortlisted in the panel. will have to submit their original documents for verification by the Van Mitra Engagement Committee. Based on the verification of the original documents the Van Mitra Engagement Committee may recommend engagement of candidate highest in merit. In case candidate highest in merit fails to furnish the original documents to the satisfaction of Van Mitra Engagement Committee, the Van Mitra Engagement Committee may recommend a candidate from the waitlist strictly in order of merit. for heing engaged as “Van Mitra’
VIII. The panel of shortlisted candidates will remain valid for a period of 1 year from the date of declaration of result. In case a selected candidate fails to join the assignment within a period of 15 days, or is found medically unfit, or dis-engages himself within one year, or his engagement is nullified during this period. the Van Mitra Engagement Committee may recommend the candidate next in order of merit for the assignment. No extension in time shall be granted for joining as Van Mitra.
IX. The complete record of the entire process shall be preserved by the Van Mitra Engagement Committee and record of deliberations of the Committee shall be duly signed by all the members of the Committee. Member Secretary of the Committee will keen safe custody of the record
Important Date:-
Start Date | 30 November 2023 |
Last Date | 30 December 2023 |
Last date (Tribal and Remote Area) | 15 January 2023 |
HP Van Mitra Notification 2023 PDF
The HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 Notification is disclosed for 2061 vacancies on its official website. Candidates interested in this vacancy and planning to apply must go through the HP Van Mitra Notification 2023 PDF to understand the recruitment details briefly. Candidates can follow the direct link provided here to download the HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 Notification successfully…
How to Apply :-
Interested candidates can obtain the application form from the Forest Department website or from their nearest Forest Range Officer office. For other information related to the application process, applicants can contact the office of the Forest Range Officer.
Important Link:-
HP Van Mitra Notice & Application Form 2023 | CLICK HERE |
30 December 2023
Apply Offline
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