HPPSC Shimla Drug Inspector Exam Syllabus
HPPSC Shimla Drug Inspector Exam Pattern:-
- Total Question :-100
- Total Marks:-100
- Time Duration:- 2 Hours
HPPSC Shimla Drug Inspector Exam Syllabus:-
- “80 questions of multiple choice to cover the respective essential qualification(s) for the concerned posts i.e. B. Pharmacy level
- 10 questions consisting General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh
- 10 questions consisting of General knowledge of National / International affairs “
Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or a post-Graduate Degree in Chemistry with pharmaceutics as essential subject of an University established in India by the Law or its equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purpose or the Associateship Diploma of the Institution of Chemists (India) obtained by passing the Examination with “Analysis of Drugs and pharmaceuticals” as one of the subject.
Bachelor’s Degree in Science or Graduate in Medicine of an University recognized for this purpose by the appointing authority and has had at least one year’s postgraduate training in a laboratory under
(i) a Government Analyst appointed under the Act, or
(ii) a Chemical Examiner, or
(iii) the head of an institution specifically approved for the purpose by the appointing authority; Provided that only those Inspectors:-
(i) who have not less than 18 months experience in the manufacture of at least one of the substances specified in Schedule-C; OR
(ii) who have not less than 18 months’ experience in testing of at least one of the substances specified in Schedule–C in a laboratory approved for this purpose, by the Licensing Authority; OR
(iii) who have gained experience of not less than three years in the inspection of firm manufacturing any of the substances specified in Schedule-C appended to these rules during the tenure of their service as Drug Inspectors shall be authorized to inspect the manufacture of the substances mentioned in Schedule-C