HPPSC Shimla Labour Welfare Officer Exam Syllabus


 HPPSC Shimla Labour Welfare Officer Exam Syllabus

||HPPSC Shimla Labour Welfare Officer Exam Syllabus||HPPSC Shimla Labour Welfare Officer Exam Pattern||




Exam Syllabus :-There will be an objective type screening test of one paper consisting of 100 questions for two hours duration:

Part-I (Common to all):-

  • 30 questions of Modern History (From 1857 onwards) of India, Indian Culture, Indian Polity, Indian Economy and Geography of India,:- 30 Marks
  • 20 questions of History, Geography and Socio Economic Development of Himachal Pradesh:- 20 Marks
  • 20 questions of General Knowledge of current events of National and International importance and such matters of every day observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject:- 20 Marks
  • English Comprehension:-:- 10 Marks


  • 20 questions of M.B.A. (Human Resources)/M.B.A.(Finance)/ M.A.(Sociology):- 20 Marks

Note: The candidate will have to opt Part-II for appropriate subject/topic.

  •  MBA (Human Resources) :-Option-> A
  • MBA (Finance) :-Option-> B
  • M.A.(Sociology):-Option-> C


1 (i) In cases where the number of eligible candidates for recruitment to the post(s) advertised by the Commission is inordinately large, the Commission may limit / shortlist the number of eligible candidates to be called for personality test(s) by subjecting them to Offline Screening Test (descriptive type) of three hours duration. Marks obtained in the Screening Test are only meant to short list the number of candidates for personality test(s) and are in no way to be presumed by the candidates as being their merit for final selection. Minimum pass marks in Offline Test (descriptive type) are 25% for the candidates of General category and 20% for the candidates of reserved categories. Any correlation drawn by the candidates between their score in the Screening Test and final merit at a later stage is completely unwarranted. No representation(s) shall be entertained in this regard. Final selection of a candidate will be made solely on the basis of his/ her performance in the Personality Test, which will be of maximum 100 marks. The minimum pass marks in personality test are 45 for the candidates of general category and 35 marks for the candidates of reserved categories.


(a) Where selection is to be made on the basis of performance of the candidates having qualified the Offline Test i.e. Screening Test (descriptive type), before the Personality Test Board, a candidate scoring more marks in the Personality Test shall be placed above the candidate scoring lesser marks in the Personality Test. If the candidates will score equal marks in the Personality Test, then a candidate securing more marks in the Offline Test i.e. Screening Test ( descriptive type) will be placed above the candidate securing lesser marks in the Offline Test (descriptive type). In case the marks of Offline Test i.e. Screening Test (descriptive type) are equal then the candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age. 

(b) Where selection is to be made purely on the basis of performance of the candidates before the Personality Test Board, a candidate scoring more marks in the Personality Test shall be placed above the candidate scoring lesser marks in the Personality Test. If the candidates will score equal marks in the Personality Test, then a candidate who is senior in age will be placed above the candidate junior in age. 

2. In case of wrong encoding of Application Number, Roll Number or both by the candidate, the OMR (optical Mark Recognition) Sheet shall not be evaluated and shall be rejected straight away. 


(i) The marks of all candidates (successful & unsuccessful) obtained by them in the Screening test (Offline) / written (Preliminary & Main) examinations and Personality Tests (if appeared) including cut off marks in their category shall be made available in their login / User IDs by the Computer Cell on receipt of the same from the officer(s) dealing with Secrecy after declaration of the final result. 


(iii) The eligibility of candidate(s) called for the Personality Test will be determined on the basis of original documents produced on the day of Personality Test and the Commission will not be responsible if the candidature of any candidate is rejected at that stage or at the time of verification by the Appointing Authority. As such, admission to the Screening Test/ Examination/ Personality Test shall be purely provisional.

 (iv) Summoning of the candidate(s) for Personality Test; conveys no assurance whatsoever that they will be selected or recommended. Appointment orders to the selected candidate(s) will be issued by the appropriate Appointing Authority.

 (v) If any person with disability requires scribe/ reader, having disability of 40% or more, he / she has to request for the same in writing to the Commission along with copy of disability certificate issued by the competent authority at least seven days prior to the screening test (Offline Test) for the concerned post. Such applications will be entertained on merit and as perrules. 

(vi). Re-checking/ re-evaluation, for the written examination(s)/ Screening Tests (Computer Based Test/ Offline Test) will not be allowed in any case. 

(vii) Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.

Essential Qualification(s):-

(i) Bachelor Degree from recognized University with minimum 50% marks and

 (ii) Degree in M.B.A (Human Resource/Finance)/ M.A in Sociology from a recognized University with minimum 50% marks

Desirable Qualification :-Knowledge of customs,manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh

AGE:- Between 18 years to 45 years. 

As mentioned against the post Clarification:-

 1. T he Upper age limit is relaxable for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Categories of Persons to the extent permissible under the general or special orders(s) of the H.P. Government.

 2. The upper age limit for direct recruitment will not be applicate to the candidates already in service of the Government including those who have been appointed on contract basis.

 3. If a candidate appointed on contract basis had become overage on the date when he was appointed as such he shall not be eligible for any relaxtion in the prescribed age limit by virtue of his such contract basis or contract appointment. 

4. Age of a candidate shall be reckoned as on 01.01.2021.

Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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