HPU Field Assistant ,clerk & Other Posts Recruitment 2022



HPU Field Assistant ,clerk & Other Posts Recruitment 2022

||HPU Field Assistant ,clerk & Other Posts Recruitment 2022||HPU Field Assistant ,clerk & Other Posts Jobs Notification 2022||HPU COC Field Assistant ,clerk & Other Posts Recruitment 2022||

 Applications on the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts to be filled up in the Cost of Cultivation Scheme, Himachal Pradesh University. Interested candidates may submit their applications, complete in all respects along with fee to the Honorary Director, Cost of Cultivation Scheme, H.P. University, Summer Hill, Shimla 171005, so as to reach on or before 05.04.2022 by post/speeds post up to 5.00 PM. Applications received after the last date will not be considered. The University will not be responsible for postal delay, if any. Online applications will not be accepted. Those who have applied with response to the advertisement notice No. CCS-04/2017/2020 dated 04.09.2020 need not to apply again in the same category and they have not to pay any extra fee. The list of such candidates is available on http://www.hpuniv.ac.in

Vacancy Details:-

1. Field Assistant (on regular basis)  Pay Scale: Rs. 5200-20200+2000GP 

No. Of Posts-Total = 13 Gen = 5 ( UR- 3, PWD-1, Ex. SM-1) EWS-1 OBC-3 (UR-2, Ex. SM-1) SC-3 (UR-2, BPL/Antodaya-1) ST-1

Education Qualification:-Bonafide Himachali with a minimum qualification +2 from an institution recognized by the Govt. of H.P. Having rural /agriculture background. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer

2. Computor (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5200-20200+2000GP 

No. Of Posts:-UR-1 

Education Qualification:- Bonafide Himachali with a minimum qualification +2 from an institution recognized by the Govt. of H.P. and having a diploma in Computer Applications recognized by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh

3. Clerk (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP

No. Of Posts:- UR-2 

Education Qualification:-Bonafide Himachali with a minimum qualification of +2 from an institution recognized by the Govt of H.P. and Should possess a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English type writing or 25 words per minute in Hindi Typewriting on computer

Application form: The prescribed application form can be downloaded from the University website http://www.hpuniv.ac.in. Separate applications are to be filled for each post. The in service candidates must send their applications through proper channel. However, an advance copy with fee may be sent to as to reach before the last date. The completed application forms along with self attested photocopies of claims made in the application and applicable fee, should reach the office of the Honorary Director, Cost of Cultivation Scheme, Himachal Pradesh University, Summer Hill, Shimla171005 (H.P.) through registered/speed psot or by hand on or before the last date, accompanied by self addressed envelope of 10×7 inch size with postage stamps worth of Rs. 40/- affixed on it, failing which it will not be considered.


1. Age:- The minimum and maximum age limit for post(s) mentioned at sr. no. 1 to 3 is 18 to 45 years, reckoned as on prescribed closing date for submission of application forms. The upper age limit is relaxable by five years for applicants belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes, Person with Benchmark Disabilities and Children/ Grand Children of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The relaxation in upper age to Ex-Servicemen candidate of H.P. will be as per provisions of relevant rules/ instructions of H.P. Govt. 

2.Application Processing Fees:- The detail of application fees for respective categories is as under:-

1. General Category { Including general physically Disabled i.e. Orthopedically disabled, Deaf & Dumb, Hearing Impaired/W.F.F of H.P./Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relieved from Defence Services on their own request before completion of normal tenure} 600/-

 2. S.C. of H.P./S.T. OF H. P./ EWS of H.P./ B.P.L. of H.P. (General-BPL/ SC-BPL/ ST-BPL/ OBC-BPL) {Including S.C./ S.T./ O.B.C. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relieved from Defence Services on their own request before completion of normal tenure} 300/-

3. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved from Defence Services after completion of normal tenure/ Visually Impaired of H.P. No fee

3. MODE OF PAYMENT:-  Fee is to be paid along with application form in the shape of crossed Indian postal orders/bank draft, drawn in favour of the Director, CCS, Himachal Pradesh University, Summer Hill, Shimla 171005, payable at Shimla. The application processing fee once paid will not be refunded (fur of partial) under any circumstances. 


(i) The application form should be filled in by the candidate in his/her own handwriting with blue/black ink ball point pen. 

(ii) A candidate of reserve category willing to apply against Gen(UR) posts is also required to remit full application fees, if otherwise eligible for the said post under Gen(UR) category. 

(iii) No change in the category shall be allowed after the receipt of application, i.e. SC to OBC/ST and vice versa. The validity of the OBC certificated is of two years from the date of its issuance. The candidates are required to furnish the valid certificates in support of his/her claims.

 (iv) Incomplete applications, e.g. declaration not signed, without photo and enclosures and columns not filled in or applications received after the last date shall be rejected summarily without assigning any reason.

 (v) Any candidate found to have given false/wrong declaration; he/she will be debarred from the employment in the University, and shall also be liable for other legal action under the law. (vi) The candidates are advised to given their working mobile number and e-mail ID and ensure their working till the completion of selection process to avoid inconvenience in communication.

 (vii) Date of determining eligibility of all applications in respect of essential qualification and experience, if any etc., shall be the prescribed closing date for submission of application forms. 

(viii) The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential qualification(s) etc. as mentioned against each post in the advertisement to avoid rejection at later stage. The decision of University in this regard shall be final.

 (ix) Onus of proving that a candidate has acquired requisite essential qualifications by the stipulated date is on the candidate and in the absence of proof to the contrary, the date as mentioned on the face of certificate/degree or the date of issue of certificate/degree shall be taken as date of acquitting essential qualification. No extra opportunity shall be provided to the candidate to produce any certificates/ documents at the time of evaluation.

 (x) In respect of equivalent clause in essential qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular qualification as equivalent qualification as per the requirement of advertisement, then the candidate is required to produce order/letter in this regard, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated otherwise the application is liable to be rejected. 

(xi) The selection process is annexed at annexure “A” of the advertisement. 

(xii) Number of post(s) is/are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time. The University reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up the advertised post(s) or to call limited applicants for evaluation of documents’/personality test/interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending written/skill test/evaluation of documents/personality test/interview etc. 

(xiii) In service (regular) applicants may apply along with requisite fee with information to their Head of the Departments/employer for issuing NOC. Such candidates are required to produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Employer at the time of evaluation of documents/personality test/interview etc. 

(xiv) The shortlisted applicants are required to produce original documents and NOC from the employer at the time of evaluation/interview/personality test.

 (xv) In case of any inadvertent mistake/error in process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment order, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the applicants. 

(xvi) All the applicants belonging to reserved categories are also required to go through the relevant instructions issued from time to time by the Government of Himachal Pradesh, in order to ensure that they are eligible under a particular category. 

(xvii) The applicants belonging to EX-Servicemen of Himachal Pradesh will have to furnish discharge certificate and full detail in respect of their PPO No., Rank, and date of retirement from the defense Services to claim the benefit of concession for the category of ExServiceman of Himachal Pradesh. 

(xviii) Applications belonging to OBC of H.P. Category must produce OBC certificate on the prescribed format valid till the relevant term of the Financial Year (1st April to 31st March) as notified by the Government of Himachal Pradesh (in the Department of Revenue) in Rajpatra dated 09th January, 2012. Applicants must have valid OBC Certificates covering the entire period from last date of submission of applications till date of evaluation along with an undertaking that her/his status as OBC has not changed and she/he has not been excluded from the category of OBC of H.P. on account of being covered under creamy layer. 

(xix) Applicants belonging to BPL of H.P. category must produce BPL certificate(s) on the prescribed proforma, which should not be more than six months old on the last date prescribed for submission applications. Applicants must possess valid BPL Certificate (s) covering the entire period from last date of submission of applications till date of evaluation failing which their candidature may be rejected. 

(xx) Applicants belonging to EWS of H.P. category must produce EWS certificate (s) on the prescribed proforma as per instructions of the H.P. Government issued vide letter No. PER (AP)-C-B(12)-1/2019 dated 11.06.2019 adopted by the University vide Notification No. 3- 1/78-HPU(Genl.)Vol.-XX dated 19.06.2020 on the last date prescribed for submission of application. 

(xxi) Any clarification/guidance/information regarding his application/fee can be had on telephone No. 0177-2831769. 

(xxii) The University reserves the right to dispense with the written examination in respect of category B post(s) keeping in view the number of applications viz-a-viz vacancies and other circumstances. 

(xxiii) The University reserves the right to dispense with/change any examination centre, if the strength of the applicants is inadequate.

 (xxiv) As per instructions of the H.P. Govt. dated 11.06.2019 when an economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidate is not available for selection, the posts(s) will be treated automatically as de reserved and will be filled from a non-EWS candidate of General category.


Read More: –   Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge

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