HPU Shimla All Notifications February 2025:-Hello Readers, As you know Himachal Pradesh University Shimla issues new notifications daily. Which is very important for the students. In this Post we providing todays HPU Shimla Notifications
HPU Shimla All Notifications February 2025
HPU Shimla Today Latest Notifications:- 10.02.2025
1. | Notification of budget estimate for the next ensuing year. (International Centre for Distance Edu. and Open Learning) |
2. | Circular regarding guidelines on Public Self-Disclosure by Higher Education Institution, 2024 to maintain a functional website to provide relevant information to stakeholders (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
3. | Time Table for M.Sc Physics IInd and IVth Semester (Department of Physics) |
HPU Shimla Today Latest Notifications:- 07.02.2025
1. | Time Table – M.Sc (Biotechnology) II Semester (Department of Bio-Technology) |
2. | Guidelines for MBA-ivth Sem. Project Report (International Centre for Distance Edu. and Open Learning) |
HPU Shimla Today Latest Notifications:- 06.02.2025
1. | Notification regarding adoption of SWAYAM Policy (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
2. | Tentative seniority list in the cadre of Section Officer in Himachal Pradesh University as it stood on 31.12.2024 (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
3. | Tentative seniority list in the cadre of Deputy Registrar in Himachal Pradesh University as it stood on 31.12.2024 (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
4. | Tentative seniority list in the cadre of Superintendent Gr. II in Himachal Pradesh University as it stood on 31.12.2024 (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
5. | Tentative seniority list in the cadre of Assistant Registrar in Himachal Pradesh University as it stood on 31.12.2024 (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
HPU Shimla All Notifications 05/02/2025 Overview:-
HPU Shimla Today Latest Notifications:- 05.02.2025
1. | Notification regarding constitution of Committee for the purpose of Samarth ERP implementation to oversee the progress of Samarth ERP implementation (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
2. | Notification regarding constitution of committee to facilitate effective communication and coordination with the Samarth ERP technical team (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
3. | Notification regarding to assign the additional charge of Chairperson of Internal Complaints committee of the University to check the menace of sexual harassment and violence agaist women (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
4. | Notification regarding adoption of SWAYAM policy (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
5. | Notification regarding adoption of guidelines and Curriculum Framework for Environment Education at undergraduate level notified by UGC in June, 2023 as recommended by NEP Committee (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
6. | Call for application Graduate Aptitude Test – Biotechnology (GAT – B) 2025 (Department of Bio-Technology) |
HPU Shimla All Notifications 04/02/2025 Overview:-
HPU Shimla Today Latest Notifications:- 04.02.2025
HPU Shimla All Notifications 03/02/2025 Overview:-
HPU Shimla Today Latest Notifications:- 03.02.2025
1. | Notification regarding to grant of Dearness Allowance to all NPS subscribing employees at the Government of India rates, from the applicable dates as amended from time to time (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
2. | Notification of renewal fee all PG courses 2nd,3rd and 4th semester. (International Centre for Distance Edu. and Open Learning) |
HPU Shimla All Notifications 01/02/2025 Overview:-
HPU Shimla Today Latest Notifications:- 01.02.2025
1. | Matter regarding detail of Affiliated colleges of University (Admin and Recruitment Portal) |
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