HPU Shimla Guest Faculty Recruitment 2023

HPU Shimla Guest Faculty Recruitment 2023


HPU Shimla Guest Faculty Recruitment 2023:-Walk-in interviews for Guest Faculties in various subjects (on purely temporary basis) at Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, will be held as per the procedure and schedule given below. Interested candidates having eligibility as per the UGC Regulations adopted by Himachal Pradesh University from time to time may appear in the interview with all relevant original certificates/documents, a set of which is to be submitted (self-attested) on the date of the interview. General Information and Instructions: 1. Mode of interview: Walk-in-interview Venue for the walk-in interview/reporting and document verification: Dean of Studies Office. The candidates should bring their applications with an updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) with relevant original certificates/documents and a set of self-attested copies of the certificates. 4. Document verification from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM on the day of the interview. б. No separate call letter for walk-in interviews will be issued to the candidates. 7. No T.A./D.A. will be admissible for attending the walk-in- interview. 8. Changes in the schedule of the interview, if any, will be displayed only on the website of the University. 9. The Guest Faculty position will be on a lecture basis, with an honorarium of Rs. 1000/- per lecture, up to a maximum of Rs. 35,000/- per month. 10. Superannuated teachers can be considered as guest faculty, but the age limit is 70 years 11. The engagement will be for the current academic session only or till the regular incumbent joins the posts, whichever is earlier

Table of Contents

HPU Shimla Guest Faculty Recruitment 2023

Recruitment BoardHPU Shimla
Post NameGuest Faculty
No. Of Posts16
CategoryHPU Shimla Jobs 2023

Interview Schedule:-

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Official NotificationCLICK HERE

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