Important HP History Question Answer In English Set-1
||Important HP History Question Answer Set-1||Important HP History MCQ Set-1||
1. There are more than 150 Tamra-Patra Swatva-Sanlekhs near Chamba province. How many among these belong to pre-Muhamaddan era?
(a) Zero
(b) Two
(c) Five
(d) Seven
2. There are more than 150 Tamra- Patra Swatva-Sanlekhs near which of the following provinces ?
(a) Kangra
(b) Chamba
(c) Bushahar
(d) Sirmaur
3. Which are the main information sources about the Ranas and Thakurs of Himachal Pradesh ?
(a) Rajtarangini
(b) Prashastis of Baijnath
(c) Inscriptions found in Chamba province
(d) All of the above
4. According to Tamra-Patra Chamba Vikrami Samvat 1717 Chamba city, in which category will come according to Shaka Samvat?
(a) 1582
(b) 1592
(c) 1602
(d) 1612
5. The coins of Chakli copper which were present around the 10th century were related to which region of Himachal Pradesh ?
(a) Bilaspur
(b) Kangra
(c) Chamba
(d) Kullu
6. In which ancient script, the ancient records of Himachal Pradesh have not been engraved?
(a) Brahmi
(b) Sharda
(c) Indo-Greek
(d) Nagri
7. Sohan Valley, which once got famous for the digging of 40 thousand years old instruments is located at which place at present?
(a) Tibet
(b) Nepal
(c) Pakistan
(d) Afghanistan
8. Which figure has been found on the coins of Audumber rulers ?
(a) Lotus
(b) Trishul
(c) Peacock
(d) Shankg
9. At which places, the coins of Kulind state were found in 20th century?
(a) Kalka
(b) Nagarkot
(c) Ambala & Saharanpur
(d) Nalagarh
10. Which figure has been found on the coins of Kulindas?
(a) Saraswati with Veena
(b) Vishnu with lotus
(c) Shiva with Trishul
(d) Indra with Vajra
Read More: – Himachal Pradesh General Knowledge