Important Notice For Guest Faculty Posts:-JLNGC Haripur-Applicants are hereby informed that due to bad weather conditions in Himachal we have reschedule interview dates from 16.08.2023 to 21.08.2023 for the post (one) of Guest Faculty on Lecture and purely temporary basis in the Department of Hospitality and Tourism (B.Voc.) The required qualification will be as per UGC norms meant for the appointment of Assistant Professor in colleges and universities. The candidate must have a degree in tourism, i.e. MTA, MTTM, MBA (Tourism) in regular mode from any recognized university and must have UGC-NET/SET. The interview will be held in JLNGC Haripur, Manali 11:00 AM onwards. All interested and eligible candidates are required to bring Bio-Data and all original certificates at the time of interview

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