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Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-11



Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-11

||Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-11||Important Question Answer For HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-11||

101. The ratio of the areas under the crops of two main seasons is called

 (A) Base period (B) Time factor (C) Peak flow ratio (D) Crop ratio 

102. The structure of timber consists of pith, heart wood, sap wood, annual rings and outer layer known as 
 (A) Outer wood (B) Outer surface wood (C) Hard wood (D) Bark

 103. The increase in volume of sand due to presence of surface moisture causes 
 (A) Bleeding (B) Harshness (C) Soundness (D) None of these 

 104. The size of B1 drawing boards as per BIS is 
 (A) 1.00 m × 1.50 m (B) 0.50 m × 0.70 m (C) 1.00 m × 0.70 m (D) 0.75 m × 1.20 m 

105. The highest point of the extrados of an arch is known as 
 (A) Rise (B) Haunch (C) Key stone (D) None of these 

 106. Construction work is allowed after receiving of 
 (A) Technical sanction (B) Contingencies (C) Record drawing (D) Prime cost 

 107. Unit of payment in brick work in cement, lime or mud mortar in foundation is
 (A) Sqm. (B) Cum. (C) Cu.ft. (D) Sft. 

 108. A form of an electronic theodolite combines with an
 (A) EDM (B) MDE (C) DEM (D) None of these 

 109. ______ consists of a series of sub-menus which contain specific input option which may be used during a particular job. 
 (A) Survey menu (B) Cogo menu (C) Function menu (D) None of these

 110. The process of finding the height of object without actually going to the top of the object is known as 

|Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-11||Important Question Answer For HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-11||

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