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Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-7


Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-7

||Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-7||Important Question Answer For HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-7||

61. Generally areas less than _______ are treated as plane. 
 (A) 200 sq.m (B) 260 (C) 250 sq.m (D) None of these 

 62. In metric chain, one metre length is divided into 
 (A) 2 Links (B) 3 Links (C) 8 Links (D) 5 Links 

63. The proportion of the distance on map to the corresponding distance on ground is known as 
 (A) Scale (B) Reconnaissance (C) Representative Fraction (D) Fraction of Represent 

 64. Planimeter is used for measuring
 (A) Length (B) Height (C) Area (D) Volume

 65. The lines joining places of equal declination are known as 
 (A) Plain lines (B) Ditto lines (C) Isogonic lines (D) Hidden lines

 66. The smallest division on the I.S.I. levelling staff is equal to
 (A) 10 cm (B) 15 mm (C) 5 mm (D) 20 mm 

 67. _______ is the common instrument used for contouring in a hilly area. 
 (A) Pentameter (B) Tachometer (C) Decheometer (D) None of these 

 68. Contour interval should be in _______ ratio to the scale of the map. 
 (A) Inverse (B) Out verse (C) Mid verse (D) End verse 

 69. A simple circular curve is designated by 
 (A) Degree of curve (B) Length of curve (C) Direction of curve (D) None of these 

 70. A vertical curve having convexity ________ is known as summit curve. 
 (A) Downward (B) Straight ward (C) Slope ward (D) None of these 

||Important Question Answer For HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-7||Important Question Answer For HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Exam Set-7||

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