Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-2


Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-2

||Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-2|| Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-2||Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer For HPSSC Set-2||Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer For HPSSSB Set-2||

Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-2

 26. Which of the following compass is used to draw circle of large radius or size ? 

 (A) Steno Compass

 (B) Beam compass

 (C) Large Compass

 (D) Bow Compass 

 27. The main factor to be considered while preparing a detailed estimate is 

 (A) Quantity of the materials

 (B) Availability of the materials

 (C) Transportation of materials

 (D) All of these 

28. Brick work is not measured in cubic metre in case of 

 (A) One or more than one brick wall 

(B) Half brick wall

 (C) Reinforced brick wall 

(D) Brick work in arches 

29. Due to change in price level a revised estimate is prepared if the sanctioned estimate exceeds 

(A) 2.5% 

(B) 5% 

(C) 2% 

(D) 4% 

30. Pick the correct statement regarding the centre line method of estimating a building.

 (A) Product of the centre lines of the walls and area of cross section of any item gives total quantity of the item. 

 (B) The centre line is worked out separately for different sections of a wall of a building. 

 (C) The centre line length is reduced by half the layer of the main wall joining the partition wall.

 (D) All of these 

 31. The excavation exceeding 1.5 metre in width and 1 square metre in plan area with a depth not exceeding 30 cm is termed as 

 (A) Excavation 

(B) Surface excavation 

 (C) Surface dressing 

(D) Cutting 30 cm 

32. Self-cleansing velocity is 

 (A) Velocity of water at flushing

 (B) Velocity at dry weather flow

 (C) Velocity of water in a pressure filter

 (D) Velocity at which no accumulation remains in the drains 

 33. The effective span of a simply supported slab is 

 (A) Clear distance between the inner faces of the walls plus twice the thickness of wall 

 (B) Distance between centre of bearings 

 (C) Clear span plus effective depth of slab

 (D) None of these 

 34. The point of contraflexure is the point where 

 (A) Bending moment is maximum.

 (B) Bending moment is minimum. 

 (C) Shear force is zero

. (D) Bending moment changes its sign. 

 35. Stress may be defined as

 (A) Force per unit volume 

(B) Force per unit area 

 (C) Force per unit length 

(D) None of these 

 36. Beams composed of more than one material, rigidly connected together so as to behave as one piece, are known as 

 (A) Intermediate beams

 (B) Compound beams

 (C) Composite beams 

(D) Determinate beams 

 37. The minimum recommended diameter of sewer is 

 (A) 5 cm 

(B) 15 cm 

(C) 10 cm

 (D) 20 cm 

 38. An inverted siphon is designed generally for 

 (A) Two pipe 

(B) One pipe 

(C) Three pipe 

(D) Four pipe 

39. As per IS : 1172-1963, water required per head per day for average domestic purposes, is 

 (A) 65 Litres 

(B) 85 Litres 

(C) 135 Litres 

(D) 115 Litres 

 40. Structures built on which land have to withstand greater risk during earthquakes ?

 (A) Solid mass 

(B) Loose soil 

(C) Strong rocks

 (D) Unfractured mass 

 41. What do the rocks undergo during seismic shocks ? 

 (A) Tension

 (B) Compaction

 (C) Expansion 

(D) Strengthening 

 42. To make the building earthquake resistant what should be the type of foundation for concrete and masonry buildings ?

 (A) Continuous

 (B) Discontinuous

 (C) Shallow

 (D) Isolated 

43. Which type of roof gives better resistant against Earthquake shocks ? 

 (A) Sloped roof

 (B) Thatched roof

 (C) Flat roof

 (D) Straw roof 

44. In order to determine the natural features such as valleys, rivers, lakes etc., the surveying preferred is 

 (A) Location surveying

 (B) City surveying

 (C) Cadastral surveying

 (D) Topographical surveying

 45. The fundamental principle of surveying is to work from

 (A) Whole to the part 

(B) Part to the whole

 (C) Lower level to higher level 

(D) Higher level to lower level 

 46. The instrument attached to the wheel of a vehicle in order to measure the distance travelled, is called 

 (A) Passometer

 (B) Odometer

 (C) Pedometer

 (D) Speedometer 

 47. Which of the following statement is correct ? 

 (A) The line ranger is used for fixing intermediate points on the chain lines.

 (B) The indirect ranging is resorted to when the ends of a line are not intervisible due to high ground. 

 (C) The chainman at the forward end of the chain is called leader.

 (D) All of these 

 48. C.O.A. Stands for

 (A) Committee of Architects 

(B) Counsel of Architecture

 (C) Commission of Architects

 (D) Constitution of Architects 

49. The Act which provides Registration and other Architectural related works in India is called

 (A) The Architect’s Act, 1959

 (B) The Architect’s Act, 1970

 (C) The Architect’s Act, 1974

 (D) The Architect’s Act, 1972 

 50. The formula to calculate F.S.I. is

 (A) Total covered area on all floors of all buildings on a certain plot/plot area 

 (B) Total floor area on ground floor/plot area 

 (C) Total area of plot/built up area

 (D) None of the above

||Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-2|| Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer Set-2||Junior Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer For HPSSC Set-2||Draughtsman (Civil) Question Answer For HPSSSB Set-2||

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