List of Candidates called for Interview for various teaching positions (Phase-2):- HPCU Dharamshala

1.The University had advertised the above teaching posts vide Employment Notice No. 001/2023 dated 15.06.2023.
2. The University received applications for the said posts and these applications were screened by the duly constituted Screening Committee(s). The Screening Committee(s) checked and verified the records of each applicant uploaded by them on CU Chayan Portal and determined their eligibility strictly in accordance with the minimum qualification prescribed by the University vide Employment Notice No. 001/2023 dated 15.06.2023.
3. After the screening the University uploaded the status of applications of above subjects/ disciplines on the University Website (this refers important notice No. 1-3/ CUHP/Rectt./2010/Vol.XI/4675-76 dated 08.08.2023) and the applicants were advised to go through their details carefully and submit discrepancy/objections/representation to the University latest by 22.08.2023 till 05:00PM.
4. Objections/Observations so received from the applicants were again placed before the said screening committee and the final recommendations of the screening committee after examining the observations/representations raised by the applicant are attached at ‘Annexure-1’. The final list of candidates who have been provisionally shortlisted for Personal Interview as per university rules is attached at ‘Annexure-2’ Sl. No. Department/Centre Name of the Post 1. Chemistry and Chemical Science Professor (ST-01) 2. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Associate Professor (EWS-01) 3. History Associate Professor (OBC-01) 4. New Media Associate Professor (OBC-01)
5. The list of candidates who have been provisionally shortlisted for Personal Interview for various teaching positions (Phase-2) is uploaded today on university website.
6. The eligibility of the candidates is Provisional and the candidate(s) Shortlisted for interview has to substantiate his claims, as uploaded by him on the CU Chayan Portal and submitted with his representation if any, with the original documents before Interview in front of the document verification committee constituted by the University. The candidate(s) should ensure that they possess the eligibility as per UGC Regulations 2018 (As amended time to time).
7. The Personal Interview for following teaching positions will be held as per following schedule at 10:00AM in the Vice-Chancellor Secretariat, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, District Kangra (HP)-176215:
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