Scheduled Tribes of Himachal Pradesh In English


 Scheduled Tribes of Himachal Pradesh In English

|| Scheduled Tribes of Himachal Pradesh|| Scheduled Tribes of HP In English|| ST of Himachal Pradesh||

Tribes of Himachal Pradesh  reside in different parts of this state, which is 0.4% of the total population of the  country.  The tribal communities inhabiting various parts of Himachal are cohesive and by their culture and tradition they have marked their position in the Indian subcontinent.

People from various tribes of Himachal Pradesh used to trade cattle, cattle, sheep and wool from the initiative itself. Due to lack of education, these people used to live in jungles and small towns, they are nomadic by nature and their customs and social structure makes them recognizable to each other. But education was promoted with the passage of time,  today the literacy rate of ST population in the state has increased to 73.6%.

The tribes of Himachal Pradesh belong to the famous Indo-Aryan family group. The major tribes of the region include the Kinnaur tribe, the Lahaul tribe, the Gaddi tribe and the Gurjar tribe.

According to the 2011 census, various tribes of Himachal Pradesh-

      1. Bhot or Bhutiya tribe:-The Bhotias or Bhotas are groups of ethnically related Tibetans living in the Transhimalayan region of the SAARC countries. The word Bhotia comes from the classical Tibetan name for Tibet, Bod. The Bhotias, tribesmen are of Mongoloid facial features, they belong to the original (indigenous) Himalayan belt. They   are found in Lahaul and Spiti district, mainly in the Bhaga and Chandra valleys.

Language: Language:  Bhotia speaks several languages, among which such  language  has Indian recognition, Bhoti / Bhotia is the Tibetan script and it is one of the official languages ​​in the Parliament of India through the Eighth Schedule to the Indian Constitution.

Food :  Rice, large size bread, patoda, jo-wheat sattu, lentils, vegetables and meat are their main food. They also keep the meat dry for the winter.

Wedding:  Bhotia marriages are similar to Hindu weddings. When the bride’s palanquin reaches her husband’s house, the gods are worshiped and then she is allowed to enter the house. The bride holds rice, silver or gold in her hands, which she hands over to the bride.

Economy:  They are also traders of products like grains, wool and salt in the Himalayas. Now, some are farmers and others are merchants of stones, gems and herbs.

2. Gaddi Tribe:

The people of the Gaddi tribes are mainly found on both sides of the Dhauladhar Range of the state of Himachal Pradesh. A large number of Gaddi tribes reside mainly in the Brahmaur region of Chamba district, in the high areas of the Ravi River and also in the valleys of the Budhil River. Other areas include Kangra district, which is mainly in villages close to Parrot Rani, Khaniara, Dharamshala.

It is believed that the Gaddi tribes came down from the migrants who took refuge in the flat land of Indian territory. Most of the Gaddi tribals  are worshipers of Lord Shiva.

Language (Language):  Most people of the Gaddi tribe speak the Gaddi language. Under the influence of modern culture, Gaddi tribal people also speak Hindi language.

3. Gujjar Tribe:

The Gurjar tribes  usually reside in Himachal Pradesh and are   considered descendants of the ‘Khajar tribe’ . ‘Gurjar’ is a derivative of the word ‘Khajar’. Its population is about 0.93 lakhs and about 23.6% of the state is ST. Gujjars the  Gujjars  or  Gujjar  is also known by the name of. 

Although the proper origin of the Gurjar tribes is not known, it is said that the Gurjar dynasty settled in northern India and Himachal Pradesh at the time of the invasion by the Hunas.

Language: The  Gurjar tribal community uses the beautiful language of Gujari,   also known as Gojri . This Gujari language  belongs to the famous  Rajasthani language group.

Economy:  Most of the people of this Gurjar tribal community followed animals like sheep, goat and buffalo.

|| Scheduled Tribes of Himachal Pradesh|| Scheduled Tribes of HP In English|| ST of Himachal Pradesh||

4.Slave  tribe  (Dasas  Tribe ):

During the pre-Vedic period, the inhabitants of the Shivalik hills   were the powerful chiefs of the Chamuri, Dhuni, Piparu,  and  Sushna slaves. The slaves were accepted into Arya virtues due to the continuous efforts of sage Vishwamitra and sage Bharadwaja.

5. Kinnaura Tribe:

Kinaura tribes are scheduled tribes of the state of Himachal Pradesh and are of Mongol origin. This tribe is also known as Kinnar. In the Western Himalayas, this Kinaura tribal community   is found in the BSP  or  Sangla Valley , which is  situated  at the height of Kinnaur district . Other areas where these Kinaura tribes are located include Batesari, Rakcham and Chitkul.

According to some scholars, the people of the Kinaura tribal community  are descendants of the eunuchs of the Mahabharata.  Another group believes that  Kirat is the ancestor of
 this  tribal group. The family structure of the Kinaura tribes is a  joint family  and marriages occur in this tribal group. During special occasions and festivals, they consume a special type of drink, known as ‘ Anguri ‘.

Economy:  The main occupation of the Kinaura tribes is wool harvesting and sheep raising, but some people are also engaged in horticulture and agriculture.

Dress:  Men , the costumes of the Kinnaura tribe include a  long coat  or  bangle  and  woolen pajamas  known as  Chamu or Sutan  . Women  wear  a kind of  woolen sari called  dhoru  . They wear goat hair and shoes made of wool and hat called  bushhri  .


The Pangwalas  are a tribal community in the Pangi Valley of Chamba district in Himachal Pradesh  . According to the census of India, the areas of Kuppa, Pasams, Tamoh and Malet villages were difficult areas, but in 1961 the authorities considered it the best place to send offenders who were sentenced to life imprisonment. The culprits are believed to have settled here permanently.

7. Lahaul Tribe:

The Lahaul tribe of Himachal Pradesh is of mixed origin. These tribal people are said to have originated from the tribal  Munda  tribe and  Tibetans  . Most of these Lahaul tribal communities live in many areas like Lahaul Valley, Pattan, Chamba-Lahaul and Lower Mayer valleys.

Language (Language):  Manchati, Manchad, Patni, Chamba, Chamba Lahuli, Swangala, Changspa  Boli are some alternate names in their language. Apart from these, there are some dialects of this language, which are also prevalent among Lahaul tribal groups.

These people like to wear colorful dress and jewelry which is a major part of their costumes. That the culture and tradition of this Lahaul tribal community is quite outstanding, shows the fact that it has a plethora of dance forms, music, fairs and festivals.

8. Swangla:

Swangla, District Lahaul – is  a Scheduled Tribe living in Pattan Valley on the banks of the Chandra Bhaga River in Spiti  . They are Rajputs and Brahmins. The languages ​​spoken by him are Manakhand (a mixture of Tibetan and Hindi), Chinnali (spoken by Sipi and Lohar), Bhoti (spoken by Tibetan), and Tinan or Tinant (spoken by the people of the Sisu region).

The local drink consumed by men is   called chhang .

 || Scheduled Tribes of Himachal Pradesh|| Scheduled Tribes of HP In English|| ST of Himachal Pradesh||

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