Solved HPSSC Clerk Post Code-887 Question Paper 2021 Set-3


 Solved HPSSC Clerk Post Code-887 Question Paper 2021 Set-3

|| Solved HPSSC Clerk Post Code-887 Question Paper 2021|| Solved HPSSSB Hamirpur Clerk Post Code-887 Question Paper 2021||HPSSC Clerk Previous Paper Pdf||


121. Vanvasi Samagam, a tribal congregation was recently organized in which state/U.T. ?

 (A) M.P. (B) U.P. (C) A.P. (D) Odisha 

 122. India’s first centralized air-conditioned railway terminal is to come up in which city ? 

 (A) Chennai (B) Bengaluru (C) Vijayawada (D) Ahmedabad 

 123. ‘Bharat e-Market’ is the e-commerce portal recently launched by which body ? 


124. India recently participated in the first historic virtual summit of which association ? 


125. Gahirmatha beach, which was in news recently, is located in which state ? 

 (A) Odisha (B) Tamil Nadu (C) West Bengal (D) Andhra Pradesh 

 126. Which Indian state/U.T. has recently announced to launch special women Mohalla clinics ?

 (A) U.P. (B) Gujarat (C) Bihar (D) New Delhi 

 127. ‘Dustlik’ a military exercise recently conducted between India and which country ? 

 (A) France (B) Myanmar (C) Uzbekistan (D) Japan ‘Dustlik’ 

 128. Which European country has recently voted in favour of banning full facial coverings in public places ? 

 (A) Switzerland (B) Germany (C) Norway (D) Sweden 

 129. Which B star recently won gold in the BWF Swiss Open Super 300 ? 

 (A) Carolina Marin (B) P.V. Sindhu (C) Naomi Osaka (D) Saina Nehwal 

 130. Which technology company has recently launched ‘Women Will’ web platform in India ? 

 (A) Amazon (B) Microsoft (C) IBM (D) Google 

 131. Food : Stomach :: Fuel : ? 

 (A) Plane (B) Truck (C) Engine (D) Automobile

 132. Which is different from the rest ? 

 (A) 11 (B) 21 (C) 31 (D) 41 

133. Missing letters in letter series : _acca_ccca_acccc_aaa are 

 (A) acca (B) caaa (C) ccaa (D) caac 

134. How many meaningful English words can be formed from the letters ‘ACER’ using each letter only once in each word ? 

 (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four 

 135. In a certain code language the word ‘LATEST’ is written as ‘IDQHPW’. How will the word ‘PAPERS’ be written in that language ? 


 136. In a certain code ‘RAIL’ is written as 5796’ and ‘TAPE’ is written as ‘3748’. How is ‘PAIR’ written in that code ? 

(A) 4795 (B) 4785 (C) 3795 (D) 8795 

 137. ‘A’ is 40 m South-West of ‘B’. ‘C’ is 40 m South-East of ‘B’. Then, ‘C’ is in which direction with respect to ‘A’ ? 

 (A) East (B) West (C) North-East (D) South ‘A’ 

 138. Seema’s watch is 6 minutes fast and the train, which should have arrived at 7 p.m., was 14 minutes late. What time is it by Seema’s watch when the train arrived ? 

 (A) 7:05 p.m. (B) 7:30 p.m. (C) 7:01 p.m. (D) 7:20 p.m. 

139. In a class of 180, where girls are twice the number of boys, Rupesh, a boy, ranked thirty fourth from the top. If there are eighteen girls ahead of Rupesh, how many boys are after him in rank ? 

 (A) 45 (B) 44 (C) 60 (D) 48 

140. Pointing to a photograph a woman says : ‘He is the brother of the daughter of my mother-in-law’s only son’. How is the man related to the woman ? 

 (A) Son (B) Brother (C) Brother-in-law (D) Nephew 

 Directions (Q. 141 to 145) : Choose the most appropriate option out of four given alternatives A, B, C and D to fill in the blanks : 

141. I asked him to look after my things because I can confide _________ him. 

 (A) in (B) on (C) with (D) to 

142. When is the wedding coming _________ ? 

 (A) on (B) up (C) of (D) off 

143. When I pay him tomorrow, he _________ received everything I owe him. 

 (A) might have (B) may have (C) will have (D) might had 

144. While strolling on Janpath, I chanced to meet _____ European. 

 (A) one (B) a (C) an (D) the 

145. Everyone wants to _______ for one’s achievements. 

 (A) be admired (B) admire (C) being admired (D) be admiring 

 Directions (Q. 146 to 150) : Choose the most appropriate option out of four alternatives A, B, C and D which is opposite in meaning to the given word. 

146. Antipathy 

 (A) Obedience (B) Admiration (C) Agreement (D) Fondness 

147. Commend 

 (A) Censure (B) Condemn (C) Defy (D) Defame 

148. Exalt 

 (A) Depreciate (B) Ennoble (C) Glorify (D) Simplify 

149. Denounce 

 (A) Defend (B) Gather (C) Fight (D) Rally 

150. Adversity 

 (A) Diversity (B) Affliction (C) Prosperity (D) Catastrophe 

Directions (Q. 151 to 155) : Choose the most appropriate option out of the four alternatives A, B, C and D which expresses the meaning of the given idiom/ phrase. 

151. To give a false colouring 

 (A) To misrepresent (B) To Submit the false report (C) To be dishonest (D) To conceal the facts

 152. A baker’s dozen 

 (A) Twelve (B) Charity (C) Thirteen (D) Allowance 

153. To have full hands 

 (A) To be fully occupied (B) To be rich (C) To be in lot of troubles (D) To lead an easy life 

154. To put somebody in his place 

 (A) To turn him out (B) To honour him (C) To give him due respect (D) To make him humble 

155. To bear the pains 

 (A) To win (B) To accept a challenge (C) To accept defeat (D) To endure something

िर्देश (प्र. 156 से 160) : शुद्ध शब्द चुनिए :

156. (A) निर्गुण  (B) निरगुण (C) नीर्गुण (D) निर्गुण 

157. (A) निर्विकार (B) निर्वीकार (C) नीर्विकार (D) नीर्वीकार

158. (A) चतुर्मुख (B) चतुर्मुख (C) चतुर्मुख (D) चतूर्मूख

159. (A) योवन (B) यौवन (C) योबन (D) यौबन

160. (A) व्यक्ती (B) वयक्ती C) व्यक्ति (D) वयक्ति

161. ‘पवन’ का संधि विच्छेद है

(A) पे + अन

(B) पो + अन

(C) पै + अन

(D) पौ + अन

162. ‘तत्सम’ शब्द है

(A) आम्र (B) आग (C) घड़ा (D) पैर

163. ‘विदेशी’ शब्द है

(A) वकील

(B) खिचड़ी

(C) लोटा

(D) अहसान

164. ‘भेड़’ का पुल्लिंग है

(A) भेड़

(B) भेडु

(C) भेड़ा

(D) भेड़ी

165. ‘जल’ का बहुवचन है

(A) जल

(B) जलज

(C) जलना

(D) जलन

166. ‘आनन्दमग्न’ में समास है

(A) द्वन्द्व

(B) तत्पुरुष

(C) बहुव्रीहि

(D) अव्ययीभाव

167. ‘शूर’ की भाववाचक संज्ञा है

(A), शूरवीर

(B) शूर

(C) शौर्य

(D) शोर्य

168. ‘आजन्म’ में उपसर्ग है।

(A) आ

(B) आज

(C) जन्म

(D) म

169. ‘नारी’ का पर्यायवाची है

(A) तटिनी

(B) सरिता

(C) वसुमति

(D) दारा

170. ‘उत्थान’ का विलोम है।

(A) उत्पत्ति

(B) उत्कर्ष

(C) उत्कृष्ट

(D) पतन



|| Solved HPSSC Clerk Post Code-887 Question Paper 2021|| Solved HPSSSB Hamirpur Clerk Post Code-887 Question Paper 2021||HPSSC Clerk Previous Paper Pdf||

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