Transfer of learning one liner for HPTET in English



Transfer of learning one liner for HPTET in English


  • When a person learns a skill or acquires knowledge of a subject, uses that learned skill and acquired knowledge in other circumstances, then that situation is called learning or transfer of training – learning transfer
  • When a person finds learning or doing any other work or subject as a result of a previously learned work or subject, it is generally said to be simple and convenient – positive transfer
  • When a task learned creates difficulty in learning another task, it is called – negative transfer
  • Most people work with the right hand, if a person starts doing all the work with the left hand when the time comes, this situation will be called – bipartite transfer
  •  In the field of education, achieved while studying any one subject or knowledge etc., which is helpful in understanding in any other subject, then this situation is called – Horizontal transfer.
  • There is no type of transfer of learning – level transfer
  •  Principles of transfer in learning or learning – 1. Principles of common elements 2. Theory of generalization 3. Theory of mental effects 4. Principle of two elements 5. Gestalt theory 6. Harlow’s theory of learning
  •  Factors affecting transfer are intelligence, subject similarity, generalization
  • Transfer of  learned knowledge, skill or subject to other situations – transfer to learning
  • The term Identical Elements (similar element) has a deep connection – in learning transfer.

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