Uttarakhand GK Question Answer In English-Part-1

Uttarakhand GK Question Answer In English-Part-1


Uttarakhand GK Question Answer In English-Part-1

Uttarakhand GK Question Answer In English-Part-1:-If you are preparing for any Uttarakhand government job paper then this post is very important for you. This post contains Daily Uttarakhand gk question answers. This is part 1. Check our website daily to see other parts.

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Uttarakhand GK Question Answer In English -Part-1:-

I. In which of the following cave paintings, human figures are depicted dancing alone or in groups?
(a) Lakhu Udyar (cave)
(b) Lwethap Cave
(C) Gwarkya Cave
(d) Hudli Cave

2. Which of the following are the prehistoric sources found from different sites of Uttarakhand?
(a) Rock paintings and caves
(b) pottery and skeleton
(c) Stone and Metal Tools
(d) All of the above

3. In which district of Uttarakhand is the Lwethap cave rock painting located?
(a) Chamoli
(b) Uttarkashi
(c) Almora
(d) Pithoragarh 

4. From which cave located in Dugri village of Chamoli district, colorful pictures of human, sheep, reindeer, fox etc. have been received?
(a) Guarakhya Cave
(b) Lakhu Cave
(c) Kimni cave
(d) none of these

5. From where have human figures doing yoga and dancing in Uttarakhand been obtained?
(a) Falseema
(b) Poonakot
(c) Bankot
(d) Barechhina

6. The ancient site of Uttarakhand-based Kffrkot
(A) Pithoragarh
(b) Almora
(c) Rudraprayag
(d) Dehradun 

7. In which village of Chamoli district megalithic burials were discovered in the year 1956?
(a) Malari
(b) Kosha
(c) Kailashpur
(d) Niti

8. light painted weapon white and Shailcitr animals received from whence Uttarakhand?
(a) Adi Gaon (Almora)
(b) Malari village (Chamoli)
(c) Bhatwari (Uttarkashi)
(d) none of the above 

9. From where have Garik-like pottery been obtained from Uttarakhand?
(a) Bahadurabad
(b) Barahat
(c) Bankot
(d) Kimni 

10. Prehistoric evidence (earthen pots, male skeletons, animal parts etc.) has been discovered by researchers of which university in the year 2002 from Malari village?
(a) Garhwal University
(b) Kumaon University
(c) Sridev Suman University
(d) None of these 

11. From where is the Hawthorn shaped rock shelter found in Uttarakhand?
(a) Lakhu Udyar
(b) Phadkanola
(C) Gurkha Udyar
(d) All

12. From which village of Uttarakhand are the earthen pots similar to the painted gray pottery?
(a) Malari
(b) Naula-Jainal
(c) Sanana-Basedi
(d) None of these

13. Which of the following statements regarding prehistoric times is false?
(a) Only archaeological sources are available for the study of this period.
(b) Stone age mortuaries have been found from the Ramganga valley.
(c) Eight copper sculptures have been obtained from Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand.
(d) Evidence of painted gray pottery has been obtained from Garhwali Ares

14. From which area of Uttarakhand have copper human figures been found?
(a) Barahat (Uttarkashi)
(b) Bankot (Pithoragarh)
(c) Kimni (Chamoli)
(d) None of these

15. The first mention of the state of Uttarakhand is found in which of the following mythological texts?
(a) Brahman text
(b) Rigveda
(c) Skanda Purana
(d) Ramayana 

16. The period for which literary sources are available for study, but it has not yet been studied, is called?
(a) prehistoric times
(b) Proto-historic period
(c) mythological period
(d) none of the above 

17. In which Brahmin text the word Uttar-Kuru is used for Uttarakhand?
(a) Aitareya Brahmin
(b) Kaushitaki Brahmin
(c) Panchvish Brahmin
(d) Gopatha Brahmin

18. By what name is Uttarakhand known in other religious texts apart from the Vedas?
(a) Purna Bhoomi
(b) Rishi Bhoomi
(c) Holy land
(d) All these 

19. Which word is used for Uttarakhand in the texts of Buddhist literature (Pali language)?
(a) Maya region
(b) Himavant
(c) Khasdesh
(d) Manas Khand

20. Which word has been used for Uttarkashi in Puranas?
(a) Himavant
(b) Mayakshetra
(c) Barahat
(d) Alkapuri 

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