YSP University Nauni(Solan) SRF Recruitment 2023


YSP University Nauni(Solan) SRF Recruitment 2023

||YSP University Nauni(Solan) SRF Recruitment 2023||YSP University Nauni(Solan) SRF Jobs Notification & online application form 2023||

 Walk-in-Interview will be held for filling up of one No. of temporary post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under the project, “Comparative Analysis of Natural and Conventional Farming Practices in Apple in Himachal Pradesh” (HMS-619-07) in the Department of Entomology. College of Horticulture, of this University upto 02.03.2023. The application form can be downloaded from the university website www.yspuniversity.ac.in. The candidates should fill in the prescribed application form and attend the walk-in-interview in the Olo the Department of Entomology. College of Horticulture, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticuture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan – 173 230 on 14.02.2023 (Tuesday) at 03.00 PM. The processing fee is Rs.450/- for General category candidates & Rs.110/- for Reserved category candidates (Enclose self-attested copy of category certficate). The processing fee should be in the shape of IPO payable at Nauni Post Office or Bank Draft (State Bank of Indial UCO Bank) payable at Nauni-Solan – 173 230 (HP), which should be prepared in the name of the Comptroller, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan: Project title: Comparative Analysis of Natural and Conventional Farming Practices in Apple in Himachal Pradesh (HMs-619-07).

Post Name:- Senior Research Fellow 

No. Of Posts:- 01 Posts

Terms & Conditions: 

1. The applicant must be a citizen of India. 

2. The upper age limit for the above temporary post is as under 35 years for men and 40 years for women. The upper age limit is relaxable for reserve category candidates as per Govt. of India norms. 

3. The candidates are required to appear for Walk-in-Interview with their Resume on Prescribed Application Form (must include Mobile No. & Email address) enclosing required documents (from matriculation onwards) regarding essentiall desirable qualifications, thesis and other relevant certificates. 

4. The candidates having marks issued in the form of CGPAV OGPA should attach approved conversion table/ formula alongwith the application. 

5. The appointments on this post will be made at a fixed salary purely temporary on co- terminus basis with the project concerned and availability of funds, whichever is earlier.


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